No. 20/7/2014/ EO(SM.II)
Government of India
Department of Personnel & Training
Office of the Establishment Officer
New Delhi, dated 05.01.2015
Sub: Policy & procedure for appointments in autonomous institutions through ACC.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Secretariat’s OM No.28/13/2006-EO(SM.11) dated 03.07.2006 on the subject referred to above and to state that the procedure prescribed in para (x) for assigning additional charge of the posts for a maximum period of one year w.e.f. the date of occurrence of vacancy with the approval of the Minister-in-charge is specifically , for posts other than that of the Chief Executive which are not being filled with the approval of the ACC. However, for such posts other than the Chief Executive (including the posts in subordinate organizations, Statutory Bodies and Regulatory Bodies), which are being filled with the approval of the ACC, it is clarified that the additional charge arrangements have to be made in accordance with the procedure prescribed for the post of Chief Executive, which is as under:
(i) In cases of anticipated vacancies on account of completion of approved tenure or superannuation of the incumbents, approval of ACC is required for assigning additional charge of the post.
(ii) In cases of unanticipated vacancies arising on account of pre-mature repatriation, resignation, death, etc of the incumbent, the administrative Ministries/Departments, with approval of the Minister-in-charge, can assign the additional charge for the initial 06 months w.e.f. the date of occurrence of the vacancy, provided the officer to whom the additional charge is to be assigned is the senior-most officer in the next lower grade in the organization and is clear from the vigilance angle. The Ministries in such cases shall ensure that the additional charge is assigned to an officer in the same station, as far as possible, in which the post has fallen vacant.
(iii) In all other cases of unanticipated vacancies, where the additional charge is proposed to be assigned to an officer belonging to another organization or an officer in the same organization, who despite being the senior-most in the organization, is holding a post two or more scales below the pay scale of the vacant post, the administrative Ministries/Departments are required to obtain approval of the ACC even for the initial 06 months of additional charge arrangements.
(iv) In all cases of unanticipated vacancies covered under para (ii) above, approval of ACC is required in extending the additional charge arrangement beyond the initial 06 months w.e.f. the date of occurrence of vacancy.
2. Similarly, for all posts (whether of Chief Executive or otherwise), being filled with the approval of the ACC, any extension in the approved tenure of the incumbent also requires approval of the ACC.
3. All Ministries/Departments are requested to take note of the aforesaid instructions and ensure that they are fully complied with.
4. This issues with the approval of the Establishment Officer.
(Arvind Thakur)
Under Secretary(EO-SM-II)