30th SCOVA meeting Fresh Agenda Items – DOPPW ORDER
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G and Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan
Khan Market, New Delhi-110003
Date:- 19th March, 2018
All the Pensioners Associations included in SCOVA
vide Resolution dated 31.01.2018
Subject: 30th SCOVA meeting under the chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS(PP)- Fresh Agenda Items
Please find enclosed herewith a list of 9 Fresh Agenda Items to be taken up for discussion in the 30th SCOVA meeting to be held under the chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS(PP) on 23.03.2018 at 10.30 am in Committee Room-A, Vigyan Bhawan Annexe, New Delhi for kind perusal.
Encl: as above
(Charanjit Taneja)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Fresh Agenda Items
30th SCOVA meeting- 23rd March,20I8, Vigyan Bhawan Annexe
S.No | Fresh Agenda Items |
(30.1) | Revision of PPOs of pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners as per 7th CPC orders.
Orders have been issued by Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare for revision of pension of pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners vide OM No. 38/37/2016-P&PW(A) dated 04.08.2016 and 12.05.2017. Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare has also issued Concordance table to facilitate quick revision of pension. Provision has also been made in the “Bhavishya” software to revised the pension electronically. However, the pace of revision of pension/family pension of pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners is not satisfactory. Action needs to be taken to expedite revision of pension of pre-20 16 pensioners/family pensioners. (Action:- CPAO, Railways, Defence, Posts, Telecom) |
(30.2) |
Payment of arrears accruing in respect of deceased pensioners/family pensioners to the nominee/legal heir. On death of pension/family pensioner, the pension account is closed by the bank and the balance amount in the account is paid to the nominee. However, the lifetime arrears arising subsequently on account of Pay Commissions etc. are not paid to the legal heirs of the deceased pensioner/family pensioner either on account of fact that the pension/family pension is not revised by the concerned Pension Sanctioning Authority(PSA) or the amount of arrears of revised pension/family pension is not paid due to closure of the bank account. In such cases the amount of arrears is kept in a suspense account. Therefore, suitable instructions may be issued to CPAO/PAOs and CPPCs of the banks to make sure that the benefits arising out of revision of Pension/Dearness Relief is also disbursed to the nominee/legal heirs of the deceased pension/family pensioner. iAction:- CPAO and Department of Financial Services) |
(30.3) |
Extension of benefit of modified parity/ revision of pension by pay fixation method to pensioners drawing Compulsory Retirement Pension/Compassionate Allowance (on dismissal/removal). In the 5th and 6th CPC, orders were issued for revision of pension of past pensioners who were dismissed/compulsorily retired by consolidation of their pre-revised Pension, Compassionate Allowance and Dearness Pension, Dearness Relief and Fitment benefit. However, the benefit of modified parity i.e fixation of pension on 50% of the minimum of pay-scale/minimum of Pay Band + Grade Pay was not extended to such pensioners. Similarly, in the 7th CPC, although the benefit of revision of pension by modifying the pre-revised pension by a factor of 2.57 has been allowed in such cases, the benefit of revision of pension by notional pay fixation method h as not been extended to the pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners who were compulsorily retired/dismissed from service. The benefit of modified parity in 5th and 6th Pay Commission and notional pay fixation in the 7th CPC should also to be extended to the pensioners drawing compulsory retirement pension/compassionate allowance. (Action:- DoPPW) |
(30.4) |
Empanelment of private referral hospitals in each of the districts of the States in the country. Consequent on allowing Non-CGHS area; P& T pensioners to join CGHS, there is an increase in number of pensioners under CGHS from difference areas of the country. At present, CGHS is functioning only from the State capitals and some important cities. Therefore, the newly joining CGHS beneficiaries from the distant districts are not able to avail CGHS facilities. At least one renowned private hospital in every district, which is ready to accept the norms of CGHS including the approved rates etc. may be added as a referral hospital. (Action:- Ministry of Health and Family Welfare) |
(30.5) |
Revision of CGHS package rates suitably for attracting more private hospitals for empanelment.
The rates of medical facilities for providing hospitals under CGHS are very less which discourages the private hospitals to get themselves empanelled under the CGHS Scheme. Therefore, CGHS package rates should be suitably revised so as to attract more private hospitals for empanelment under the scheme. (Action:- Ministry of Health and Family Welfare) |
(30.6) |
Fixed Medical Allowance for pensioners who are residing away from RELHS centres.
Present rate of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) which was introduced w.e.f 01.12.1997 is Rs. 1000/- per month and is available to Central Government pensioners who are residing outside CGHS. It has been made compulsory for the Railway Pensioners to join RELHS Scheme and such Railway Pensioners are not entitled to any FMA irrespective of their place of residence and the distances from the RELHS Centers. FMA, which is given for OPD facilities treatment near the residence of the pensioners, may be extended to all Railway Pensioners. (Action:- Ministry of Railways) |
(30.7) |
Difference in Last Rank held and Rank for Pension in the case of pre-2006 military pensioners.
After 01.01.2006, Rank for pension and Rank last held is same for grant of pension of Military Pensioners. However for a few pre 01.01.2006 Military Pensioners, rank for pension and rank last held may be different. Such anomaly leads to variation of pension for pre-2006 and post- 2006 retirees. In view of above, the policy of post 01.01.2006 be followed for all pensioners and orders be issued for implementation. (Action: Ministry of Defence) |
(30.8) |
Extension of benefit of Composite Hospitals to CAPF personnel. The medical facilities from Composite Hospitals of CAPF are available only to serving CAPF employees and these services are not provided to retired CAPF personnel. The CGHS facilities are available only in State capitals and are not available to CAPF personnel settled in distant places. Fixed Medical Allowance (M) of Rs. 1000/- is not sufficient for medical needs of the retired CAPF personnel. The medical facilities in Composite Hospitals which are available in all the States should also be extended to the retired CAPF personnel and required funds may be provided by Ministry of Home Affairs to these Hospitals. (Action: Ministry of Home Affairs) |
(30.9) |
Holding of regular Pension Adalats by all Major Ministries/Departments.
Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare have recently started holding Pension Adalats. Among other Departments only Postal Department is holding Pension Adalat twice a year. Other Central Ministries/Departments i.e Railways, Defence, Telecom, Central Excise and Customs, Income Tax etc. are not holding Pension Adalats. They should be advised to hold regular Pension Adalats. (Action: All Ministries/Departments) |
The parent dept. have not understood how to fix pension for pre 2016 pensioners. Govt. orders are very clear.quote The past pensioners shall first be fixed in the pay matrix being recommended by the commission on the basis of pay band and grade pay at which they retired at the minimum of the corresponding level in the pay matrix. The amount shall be raised to arrive at the notional pay of the retirees by adding number of increments he/she had earnedin that levelwhile in serviceat the rate of 3percent unquote.Without following the above formula parent depts and PAOs fix pension which is not advantage to pensioners. The proof of implementing the 7th CPC benefits to the past pensioners that they should get bearest atleast 50% of the basic paymatrix recommended in the CPC. This is not being followed.