7th CPC Cabinet Decision – Frequently Asked Question
Has the 7th CPC recommendation fully accepted?
Yes, it has been approved by the cabinet on 29th June 2016.
Did Cabinet approve for the employees request of changing minimum wages?
No, the 7th CPC recommendation will be implemented (Rs.18000/-)
What is the Fitment Factor used in Pay Matrix?
A fitment factor of 2.57 will be applied across all Levels in the Pay Matrices.
When will I get my arrears?
All arrears including pensioner will be paid during this financial year (2016-17) itself.
What would be Rate of increment?
Rate of increment has been retained at 3 %. This will benefit the employees in future on account of higher basic pay as the annual increments that they earn in future will be 2.57 times than at present.
What would be the current House Building Advance?
The ceiling of House Building Advance from Rs.7.50 lakh to 25 lakh,
What would be my current Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme (CGEGIS)?
It will stay at the existing rate of Rs.30, Rs.60 & Rs.120/- for Group C, B & A respectively.
Has the old allowance has been abolished?
Currently No (June’2016). Existing will continue and after 4 month’s there may be changes.
What would be the HRA Percentage after Cabinet Decision?
HRA would be at the rate of 30, 20 & 10 percentage and after 4 month’s there may be changes.
What’s the status of NPS Implementation?
Cabinet decided to form two separate committee for looking into the issues.
Has there been any changes in Defence Pay Matrix?
Yes, there has been changes in 13A (Brigadier), Level 12A (Lieutenant Colonel), 13 (Colonel) and 13A (Brigadier).
Will there be any changes in Military Service Pay?
Yes, Rates of Military Service Pay revised from Rs. 1000, 2000, 4200 & 6000 to 3600, 5200, 10800 & 15500 respectively for various categories of Defence Forces personnel.
For pension, what would be multiplication factor?
2.57 would be the factor to determine the pension and will be reviewed after 4 months.
Have question on 7th CPC?
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Source – http://www.7thpaycommissionnews.com/
My pension from 01 Jan 2006 6th pay commission is Rs 8393/ what will be
my pension from 01 Jan 2016 in 7th cpc
What will be the deafness allowance
From jan 2026.
Did cabinet approve the bunching benefit pay Matrix?
Wheather arrear will be given @ present (basic pay +DA)· fitment factor-(basic pay+DA)·2.25 for one month or HRA also will be given in arrear. Pl answer anybody.
pension, multiplication factor IS 2.57 . THAN WHAT IS THE MEANS OF would be the factor to determine the pension and will be reviewed after 4 months.PLEASE CLARIFY
Don’t mislead people by saying that HRA would be 10, 20 & 30% of new basic pay. HRA would continue to be paid at old same rates on notional basic pay till such time a decision taken to revise them. A Committee would go into the aspect of allowances and 4 months are proposed to be given to submit their report.
It is highly doubtful that the Option I recommended by 7th CPC for bringing parity between past and present pensions has not been implemented. Of course it was not mentioned as rejected, but the final outcome will be deemed to have been rejected. This option I has been referred to Committee ( to be constituted), which would examine as to the feasibility/ practicability of implementation. This rigmarole will go on for 4 months and finally that committee coolly would announce that ” NOT FEASIBLE/PRACTICABLE’. this is is what is in store for us.
My pension is R’s.4728/-that is as on 01-10-2003.& I have taken V.R.S. what will be the present pension