HomeDefenceAmendment to the Air Force Officers Pay Rules 2017

Amendment to the Air Force Officers Pay Rules 2017


(Department of Defence)


New Delhi dated 06th July 2017

S.R 0…………….. In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution, the President hereby makes the following rules to amend the Air Force Officers Pay Rules 2017, namely: –

  1. Short title and commencement. – (1) These rules may be called Air Force Officers Pay (Amendment) Rules, 2017.

(2) They shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of January, 2016.

  1. In the Air Force Officers Pay Rules, 2017.-
  • in rule 3, in clause (g), the following Note shall be inserted, namely: -Note: “In any kind of calculation which attempts to work with the maximum pay of a particular level the last figure of the Level shall not be calculated and the end-points of the Level, representing the possible highest and lowest pay in that level, may not be treated as the maximum and minimum of any closed pay scale, as used to prevail prior to the implementation of the 6th CPC”;
  • in the Schedule, for Part ‘A’ the following Part shall be substituted namely:- “PART A”.

(File No. 1 (8)/2016-D (Pay/Services) Part-I

(M. Subbarayan)
Joint Secretary to the Government of India.



Pay Matrix 

Appendix -1

Pay Band 5200-20200 9300-34800 15600-39100 37400-67000 67000-
80000 90000
Grade Pay 2000 2400 2800 3400 4200 4600 4800 5400 5400 6100 6600 8000 8700 8900 10000
Level 3 4 5 5A 6 7 8 9 10 10B 11 12A 13 13A 14 15 16 17 18
1 21700 25500 29200 33300 35400 44900 47600 53100 56100 61300 69400 121200 130600 139600 144200 182200 205400 225000 250000
2 22400 26300 30100 34300 36500 46200 49000 54700 57800 63100 71500 124800 134500 143800 148500 187700 211600
3 23100 27100 31000 35300 37600 47600 50500 56300 59500 65000 73600 128500 138500 148100 153000 193300 217900
4 23800 27900 31900 36400 38700 49000 52000 58000 61300 67000 75800 132400 142700 152500 157600 199100 224400
5 24500 28700 32900 37500 39900 50500 53600 59700 63100 69000 78100 136400 147000 157100 162300  205100 _
6 25200 29600 33900 38600 41100 52000 55200 61500 65000 71100 80400 140500 151400 161800 167200 211300 _ _
7 26000 30500 34900 39800 42300 53600 56900 63300 67000 73200 82800 144700 155900 166700 172200 217600
8 26800 31400 35900 41000 43600 55200 58600 65200 69000 75400 85300 149000 160600 171700 177400, 224100
9 27600 32300 37000 42200 44900 56900 60400 67200 71100 77700 87900 153500 165400 176900 182700
10 28400 33300 38100 43500 46200 58600 62200 69200 73200 80000 90500 158100 170400 182200 188200
11 29300 34300 39200 44800 47600 60400 64100 71300 75400 82400 93200 162800 175500 187700 193800
12 30200 35300 40400 46100 49000 62200 66000 73400 77700 84900 96000 167700 180800 193300 199600
13 31100 36400 41600 47500 50500 64100 68000 75600 80000 87400 98900 172700 186200 199100 205600
14 32000 37500 42800 48900 52000 66000 70000 77900 82400 90000 101900 177900 191800 205100 211800
15 33000 38600 44100 50400 53600 68000 72100 80200 84900 92700 105000 183200 197600 211300 218200
16 34000 39800 45400 51900 55200 70000 74300 82600 87400 95500 108200 188700 203500 217600
17 35000 41000 46800 53500 56900 72100 76500 85100 90000 98400 111400 194400 209600
18 36100 42200 48200 55100 58600 74300 78800 87700 92700 101400 114700 200200 215900
19 37200 43500 49600 56800 60400 76500 81200 90300 95500 104400 118100 206200
20 38300 44800 51100 58500 62200 78800 83600 93000 98400 107500 121600 212400
21 39400 46100 52600 60300 64100 81200 86100 95800 101400 110700 125200
22 40600 47500 54200 62100 66000 83600 88700 98700 104400 114000 129000
23 41800 48900 55800 64000 68000 86100 91400 101700 107500 117400 132900
24 43100 50400 57500 65900 70000 88700 94100 104800 110700 120900 136900
25 44400 51900 59200 67900 72100 91400 96900 107900 114000 124500 141000
26 45700 53500 61000 69900 74300 94100 99800 111100 117400 128200 145200
27 47100 55100 62800 72000 76500 96900 102800 114400 120900 132000 149600
28 48500 56800 64700 74200 78800 99800 105900 117800 124500 136000 154100
29 50000 58500 66600 76400 81200 102800 109100 121300 128200 140100 158700
30 51500 60300 68600 78700 83600 105900 112400 124900 132000 144300 163500
31 53000 62100 70700 81100 86100 109100 115800 128600 136000 148600 168400
32 54600 64000 72800 83500 88700 112400 119300 132500 140100 153100 173500
33 56200 65900 75000 86000 91400 115800 122900 136500 144300 157700 178700
34 57900 67900 77300 88600 94100 119300 126600 140600 148600 162400 184100
35 59600 69900 79600 91300 96900 122900 130400 144800 153100 167300 189600
36 61400 72000 82000 94000 99800 126600 134300 149100 157700 172300 195300
37 63200 74200 84500 96800 102800 130400 138300 153600 162400 177500 201200
38 65100 76400 87000 99700 105900 134300 142400 158200 167300 182800 207200
39 67100 78700 89600 102700 109100 138300 146700 162900 172300 188300
40 69100 81100 92300 105800 112400 142400 151100 167800 177500 193900


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