HomeJNVSTAdmission format for Class 6 Students selected through Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya - JNVST 2020

Admission format for Class 6 Students selected through Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya – JNVST 2020

Admission format for Class 6 Students selected through Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya – JNVST 2020

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti


Select list of students for admission to Class VI through JNVST-2020 has been released. The parents/guardians of selected students may take the following steps for admission to Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya:

1. Formats for submission of details may be downloaded

2. Filled in formats are to be submitted to the Principal of JNV concerned as per schedule.

3. Certificates from the competent authority in respect of Rural, OBC, SC, ST and Disability as applicable are to be submitted to the JNV for verification of documents / eligibility to confirm admission to Class VI.

After verification, JNVs will confirm the admission, if the candidate found eligible as per NVS norms.

It is informed that admission will be given to the selected candidates only after due verification of the documents. Parents are advised not to take TC from the previous school until the admission is confirmed by the JNV. Admission to JNVs is
done free of cost. No fee is to be paid to school authority for admission to Class VI. The parents/students are required to approach directly the Principal of the JNV concerned.

For any complaints in the process of admission, E-mail may be sent to acjnvst.nvs@gov.in

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