Admission in Sanskriti School, information about officers coming on transfer to Delhi in the last five years
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
(Welfare Section)
Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market
New Delhi 110003
Dated: 1st July, 2019
Office Memorandum
Subject : Admission in Sanskriti School, information about officers coming on transfer to Delhi in the last five years — reg.
The Undersigned is directed to refer to this department OM no.16/43/2015 —Welfare(Vol.II) dated 15.02.2019 and subsequent reminder dated 10.05.2019 on the above subject and to state that in connection with case C.A. No. 511/2016 pending before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, the Attorney General of India has directed to provide him with data on the number of officers of the All India Services and officers working under Central Government coming to Delhi on transfer/Central Staffing Scheme(CSS).
2. It has been observed that year wise data of the number of officers of the All India Services and officers working under Central Government coming to Delhi on transfer/Central Staffing Scheme(CSS) for the last 5 years has been received from very few Ministries/Departments. Ministries/Departments who have yet not send requisite year wise data, as stated above, are once again requested to provide the data to this department at the earliest by post or through email-id
(Pradeep A.)
Under Secretary to the Government of India