Govt.of India
Min. of Health & Family Welfare
Directorate General of CGHS
545-A Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi.
Dated the 18th March, 2020
Subject : Guidelines in view of the Corona Virus (COVID-19) Infection
With reference to the above subject the following guidelines are issued for strict compliance by all the Addl. Directors:
i) In view of the Deployment of CGHS Medical Officers at Airports and other locations in connection with surveillance for Corona Virus (COVID-19) Infection and consequent shortage of Manpower at CGHS Wellness Centres, Addl. Directors, CGHS shall ensure optimum utilization of Manpower at their disposal.
ii) All leaves for the staff except on medical grounds, accompanied by Medical Certificate from Government Doctor, shall be cancelled.
iii) Requests for visit abroad shall not be approved. Even in such cases , wherein the leave and other clearances are already issued , fresh approval of SS&DG,CGHS is necessary, if there are any compelling reasons to go abroad.
iv) Only one Medical Officer shall be posted at the First Aid Posts in Delhi.
v) Medicines for Chronic Diseases shall be issued for a period of ‘3’ months to ensure that the beneficiaries are not required to visit the Wellness Centre frequently and there is no over-crowding.
Also Read: CGHS : Reimbursement of OPD Medicines – Special Sanction in view of COVID-19
vi) CGHS beneficiaries may be advised to utilize online appointment system, so that waiting shall be minimized and there is no Over-crowding at Wellness Centre.
vii) Medical Officers are advised to educate and advice the beneficiaries about Corona Virus (COVID-19) Infection as per the guidelines of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. Copies of the Advisory issued by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare in this regard are enclosed and Additional Directors, CGHS, Cities/ Zones are advised to circulate copies of the same for display in the Notice Board and other places at CGHS Wellness Centres.
viii) Special Attention shall be paid to keep the CGHS Wellness Centres / Offices Clean and Hygienic. Funds under the Head Swatchhta Action Plan (SAP) shall be utilized.
ix) CGHS Does not supply sanitizers, Masks or Thermal Scanners. Additional Directors Shall procure these items under Office expenditure as per the extant guidelines for the staff members working at the Offices and Wellness Centres.
(Dr. Sanjay Jain)
Director, CGHS