HomeCGHSCGHS Revised Rates List

CGHS Revised Rates List

Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) released Office Memorandum for Revising Rates for Empanelled Hospitals under CGHS Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru & Hyderabad on 17th August 2010.

Click below links for Office Memorandum & Revised Rates List



  1. sir,
    i am working as a central government employee my mother was taken treatment in NIMS hospital, Hyderabad in credit basic (credit letter given by department) total bill was Rs. 60,000/- but department given by me very less amount (only Rs.11,000/-). they said that it is under package so we con’t gave full amount.
    hence i request to you sir kindly send me any order of if we were taken treatment in NIMS hospital total bill is sanction.

  2. Sir
    I require revised cghs rate list for Kolkata please send it to my mail i.d.
    please send a copy of latest CGHS rate list at earliest.

    yours faithfully,

  3. Kindly send me the rate list approved by CGHS as on Feb,2011 for cardio by pass surgery and Angiography at Escort heart institute & research centre ,Okhala New Delhi. Whethere hospital is in empanelled list of BSNL.

  4. latest CGHS rate list is not avialable to view on web site. kindly help in down lowding the rate list of CGHS. No telephone number is given in web site for contact.


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