HomeCGHSCGHS Revised Rates List

CGHS Revised Rates List

Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) released Office Memorandum for Revising Rates for Empanelled Hospitals under CGHS Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru & Hyderabad on 17th August 2010.

Click below links for Office Memorandum & Revised Rates List



  1. Will u please send me the latest cghs approved package rates applicable for bhopal

    What is included in CGHS package.please clarify. Why CGHS rates are too low for hernia operation.pachage rate is about Rs 8000 whereas actual expenditure is 21000,How it is justified perticulary when the hernia was repaired in govt. hospital bhopal memorial. pl comment

  2. Will you please sent me the latest 2012 CGHS approved rate for Patna i/c rates for visits of Doctors,ICU charges,Special nurse charges for 24 hours of critical patient with multiple desease.Thanking you,With best regards.

  3. It hasbeen seen that CGHS ICU charges is less than the private room rent applicable for CGHS benificiaries.Why so.Please sent your comment in this matter.

  4. Dear Sir

    plz send the CGHS rate list for patna of year 2012

    With Best Regards
    Ford Hospital & Research Centre (P) Ltd.
    Kheminichak, Patna

  5. I was treated for dengue fever and on falling of platelets count below 30,000 doctor transfuse platelets, and now office refuse to reimbursement the service charges paid to blood bank towards making of platelet unit from donor’s blood. please let me know the cghs rules in this regard.

  6. Dear Sir,
    Pl let me know the updated rates of blood transfusion charges, that should include,
    1.Cast of the whole blood bottle,
    2.Cost of any fraction of the blood e.g.Platelets, Packed RBCs, etc.
    3.Transfusion charges, as far as Pune region is concerned.
    Dr Lele
    (MO ECHS Polyclinic,Karad)

  7. may I know whether medicine as prescribed by specialist can be obtained from any of the cghs dispensary situated in delhi inspite of the dispensary allotted.

  8. Pl clarify that the ROOM RENT is included in the procedure charges mentionrd under sl no 484 of cghs approved rate 2011 for kolkata @ wheather the ICU/ITU charges is less than the Room Rent. For example the Room Rent of private ward is Rs 3000/day but if the room rent i/c in procedure charge the it will 1250 how can is it possible ? .

  9. for Bhargav S querry:

    Check O.M. No.26-234/99-R&H/CGHC (P) dated 27-11-2000, where Glucometer is allowed to CGHS beneficary. I am not clear about Strips.


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