No. 27(8)EO/2014(ACC)
Government of India
Secretariat of the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet
Department of Personnel & Training
Office of the Establishment Officer
North, Block, New Delhi
Dated : 12.02.2015
Subject: Constitution of Search-cum-selection Committee for selection for appointment to a Board level post in Central Public Sector Enterprises(CPSEs).
Attention of all Ministries/Departments is invited to the Government of India Resolution dated 03.03.1987 as amended from time to time which provides that in special circumstances, the appointment to a particular post or posts in Public Sector Enterprises may be made other than through the PESB with the prior and specific approval of the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet(ACC). The said Resolution also stipulates that the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet, while granting such an approval, will also specify the body such as Search Committee, Selection Committee, or the Civil Services Board, as the case may be, that shall make the selection for that particular post or posts as well as the selection procedure to be followed for filling the particular post or posts.
2. The issue of constitution of Search-cum-Selection Committees for appointment to Board level posts in a Central Public Sector Enterprise(CPSE) has been considered and it has been decided with approval of the ACC that in cases where Search-cum-Selection Committee method is approved for selection, the following guidelines for composition of Search-cum-Selection Committee for Board level posts in CPSEs would henceforth be followed by all Ministries/Departments:
(i) The Search-cum-Selection Committee shall be chaired by the Chairman, PESB. The Committee should normally consist of not more than 05 members including the Chairman and at least one outside expert of eminence. The Secretary of the concerned administrative Ministry/Department would invariably be a Member of such Search-cum-Selection Committee, if the selection is for the post of Chairman-cum-Managing Director (CMD). However, if the selection is for a Board level post other than that of CMD, in place of the concerned Secretary, an officer not below the rank of Additional Secretary of the administrative Ministry/Department may be included in the Committee.
(ii) In case of selection of Functional Directors, the concerned regular Chairman/CMD of the concerned PSU should invariably be included in the Search-cum-Selection Committee. However in the case of subsidiaries, the regular Chairman/CMD of the holding company shall be included in the Committee for selection of both Functional Directors and CMD of the subsidiary.
(iii) The composition of the Search-cum-Selection Committee shall be proposed by the concerned administrative Ministry / Department within 10 days of receipt of approval of the Competent Authority for filling up the post through the Search-cum-Selection Committee method. The proposal shall be examined and processed by the Office of the Establishment Officer and the constitution of the SCSC will-be approved by the Cabinet Secretary.
(iv) The job description of the post including the eligibility conditions shall be finalized by the administrative Ministry/Department in consultation with the PESB for Scheduled CPSEs. In case of uncategorised CPSEs, the job description, including the eligibility conditions etc., will be finalized by the Search-cum-Selection Committee itself.
(v) The vacancy shall be advertised by the concerned administrative Ministry/Department and be given wide publicity through open advertisement/circulation among various Ministries/ Departments/State Governments/Autonomous bodies/Research Institutes etc., and will also be uploaded on the website of the administrative Ministry/Department. On receipt of the applications, further processing including scrutiny of applications, for putting up before the SCSC would also be done by the concerned administrative Ministry/Department.
(vi) A period of not less than 4 weeks may be allowed for receipt of applications after issue of advertisement by the concerned administrative Ministry/Department, on the same lines as the provision in this regard contained in DoPT’s O.M. No. AB-14077/11/2004-Estt.(RR) dated 30.07.2007.
(vii) The Search-cum-Selection Committee will furnish only one name to the administrative Ministry/Department. A reserve name in a sealed envelope shall be kept in the personal custody of the Chairman, PESB and will be opened only on orders of the ACC.
(viii) The panel recommended by the Committee shall be valid for one year. If no selection is made from the panel within a period of one year, a fresh Committee shall be constituted to prepare a fresh panel. Such a Committee may also consider the names of persons recommended in the earlier panel.
(ix) On receipt of the recommendation of the Search-cum-Selection Committee, the timeline and the instructions regarding vigilance clearance prescribed in this Secretariat’s O.M. No. 27(4)/2014(ACC) dated 22.10.2014 would be followed for further processing of the proposals for consideration of the ACC.
(Virender Singh)
Under Secretary to the Government of India