DA Calculation Sheet: The DA for Central Government Employees was earlier calculated based on the consumer price index with the base year 2001. The Central Government replaced it with a new consumer price index with the base year 2016 to calculate the DA from September 2020.
DA Calculation Sheet
7th Pay Commission
Month All India Index % of Increase DA Order DR Order
Jan-16 269 0.48
Feb-16 267 0.93
Mar-16 268 1.38
Apr-16 271 1.86
May-16 275 2.40
Jun-16 277 2.91
Jul-16 280 3.45 DA Order Copy DR Order Copy
Aug-16 278 3.90
Sep-16 277 4.25
Oct-16 278 4.53
Nov-16 277 4.76
Dec-16 275 4.95
Jan-17 274 5.11 DA Order Copy DR Order Copy
Feb-17 274 5.33
Mar-17 275 5.55
Apr-17 277 5.74
May-17 278 5.84
Jun-17 280 5.94
Jul-17 285 6.10 DA Order Copy DR Order Copy
Aug-17 285 6.32
Sep-17 285 6.57
Oct-17 287 6.86
Nov-17 288 7.21
Dec-17 286 7.56
Jan-18 288 8.01 DA Order Copy DR Order Copy
Feb-18 287 8.42
Mar-18 287 8.81
Apr-18 288 9.16
May-18 289 9.51
Jun-18 291 9.86
Jul-18 301 10.37 DA Order Copy DR Order Copy
Aug-18 301 10.88
Sep-18 301 11.39
Oct-18 302 11.87
Nov-18 302 12.31
Dec-18 301 12.79
Jan-19 307 13.40 Click here Click here
Feb-19 307 14.03
Mar-19 309 14.73
Apr-19 312 15.50
May-19 314 16.30
Jun-19 316 17.09
Jul-19 319 17.67 Click here Click here
Aug-19 320 18.27
Sep-19 322 18.94
Oct-19 325 19.68
Nov-19 328 20.50
Dec-19 330 21.43
Jan-2020 330 22.16
Feb-2020 328 22.83
Mar-2020 326 23.37
Apri-2020 329 23.92
May-2020 330 24.43
Jun-2020 332 24.94
Jul-2020 336 25.48
Aug-2020 338 26.05
Sep-2020 118.1 26.63
Oct 2020 119.5 27.24
Nov-2020 119.9 27.79
Dec-2020 118.8 28.18
Jan-2021 118.2 28.51
Feb-2021 119 28.98
Mar-2021 119.6 29.57
Apr-2021 120.1 30.11
May-2021 120.6 30.66
Jun-2021 121.7 31.25
July-2021 122.8 31.81 Click here Click here
Aug-2021 123 32.33
Sep-2021 123.3 32.81
Oct-2021 124.9 33.30
Nov-2021 125.7 33.84
Dec-2021 125.4 34.44
Jan-2022 125.1 35.08 Order Link Order Link
Feb-2022 125 35.63
Mar-2022 126 36.21
Apr-2022 127.7 36.91
May-2022 129 37.68
Jun-2022 129.2 38.37
July-2022 129.9 39.02 Order Link Order Link
Aug-2022 130.2 39.68
Sep-2022 131.3 40.42
Oct-2022 132.5 41.12
Nov-2022 132.5 41.74
Dec-2022 132.3 42.37
Jan-2023 132.8 43.08 Order Link Order Link
Feb-2023 132.7 43.79
Mar-2023 133.3 44.46
Apr-2023 134.2 45.06
May-2023 134.7 45.58
Jun-2023 136.4 46.24
July-2023 139.7 47.14 Order Link Order Link
Aug-2023 139.2 47.97
Sep-2023 137.5 48.54
Oct-2023 138.4 49.08
Nov-2023 139.1 49.68
Dec-2023 138.8 50.28
Jan-2024 138.9 50.84
Feb-2024 139.2 51.44
Mar-2024 138.9 51.95
Apr-2024 139.4 52.43
May-2024 139.9 52.91
Jun-2024 141.4 53.36
July-2024 142.7 53.64
Aug-2024 142.6 53.95
Sep-2024 143.3 54.49
Oct-2024 144.5 55.05
Important Links
Subject | Links |
6th CPC DA Calculation Sheet | Click here |
IDA Calculation sheet | Click here |
DA / DR Orders | Click here |
DA Calculator | Click here |
Dearness Relief Calculator | Click here |
DA Calculator for Bank Employees | Click here |
Bank DA / DR Orders | Click here |
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139.7 and da would be 47.14
Cpi iw has been released and stands at 139.7. Pl check and calculate da, dr for this figure. Thanks.
June 2023 AICIPN is 46.24 so the DA must be 4% increased to 46% and not 3 percent as per media report.
as per news da will be increased by 3 points rather than 4 because govt doesn’t account for decimal increase. Can someone explain
After june 23, AICPIN
DA must be confirmed 46% because it is 46.24%
Why it is filtering out that govt is going to increase only 45%
as per news da will be increased by 3 points rather than 4 because govt doesn’t account for decimal increase. Can someone explain
June figure: 136.4, DA at 46.24%
Please update.
46 percent DA/DR wef July 2023 is almost all confirmed, but ,if the AICPIN for June 2023 doesn’t fall down a huge .
DA will be 46% from July 23.
May index has been released. Pl calculate expected da for May. Thanks.
Chi iw for May has since Ben released as 134.7.da for this fig. may pl be calculated.Thanks.
134.7 and da increase would be 45.58
134.7and 46.08
Updated the sheet, thanks for notifying.
Index for April is 134.2 & corresponding DA would be 145.02.
The WPI fir April 2023 was not published sofor.So the DA for April 23 was not found.Please wait for some times.
For April it’s 134.2, please update.
Cpi iw for April ,2023 has been released and it stands at 134.2. This may pl be verified and expected da may be arrived at.Thanks.