DA Calculation Sheet: The DA for Central Government Employees was earlier calculated based on the consumer price index with the base year 2001. The Central Government replaced it with a new consumer price index with the base year 2016 to calculate the DA from September 2020.
DA Calculation Sheet
7th Pay Commission
Month All India Index % of Increase DA Order DR Order
Jan-16 269 0.48
Feb-16 267 0.93
Mar-16 268 1.38
Apr-16 271 1.86
May-16 275 2.40
Jun-16 277 2.91
Jul-16 280 3.45 DA Order Copy DR Order Copy
Aug-16 278 3.90
Sep-16 277 4.25
Oct-16 278 4.53
Nov-16 277 4.76
Dec-16 275 4.95
Jan-17 274 5.11 DA Order Copy DR Order Copy
Feb-17 274 5.33
Mar-17 275 5.55
Apr-17 277 5.74
May-17 278 5.84
Jun-17 280 5.94
Jul-17 285 6.10 DA Order Copy DR Order Copy
Aug-17 285 6.32
Sep-17 285 6.57
Oct-17 287 6.86
Nov-17 288 7.21
Dec-17 286 7.56
Jan-18 288 8.01 DA Order Copy DR Order Copy
Feb-18 287 8.42
Mar-18 287 8.81
Apr-18 288 9.16
May-18 289 9.51
Jun-18 291 9.86
Jul-18 301 10.37 DA Order Copy DR Order Copy
Aug-18 301 10.88
Sep-18 301 11.39
Oct-18 302 11.87
Nov-18 302 12.31
Dec-18 301 12.79
Jan-19 307 13.40 Click here Click here
Feb-19 307 14.03
Mar-19 309 14.73
Apr-19 312 15.50
May-19 314 16.30
Jun-19 316 17.09
Jul-19 319 17.67 Click here Click here
Aug-19 320 18.27
Sep-19 322 18.94
Oct-19 325 19.68
Nov-19 328 20.50
Dec-19 330 21.43
Jan-2020 330 22.16
Feb-2020 328 22.83
Mar-2020 326 23.37
Apri-2020 329 23.92
May-2020 330 24.43
Jun-2020 332 24.94
Jul-2020 336 25.48
Aug-2020 338 26.05
Sep-2020 118.1 26.63
Oct 2020 119.5 27.24
Nov-2020 119.9 27.79
Dec-2020 118.8 28.18
Jan-2021 118.2 28.51
Feb-2021 119 28.98
Mar-2021 119.6 29.57
Apr-2021 120.1 30.11
May-2021 120.6 30.66
Jun-2021 121.7 31.25
July-2021 122.8 31.81 Click here Click here
Aug-2021 123 32.33
Sep-2021 123.3 32.81
Oct-2021 124.9 33.30
Nov-2021 125.7 33.84
Dec-2021 125.4 34.44
Jan-2022 125.1 35.08 Order Link Order Link
Feb-2022 125 35.63
Mar-2022 126 36.21
Apr-2022 127.7 36.91
May-2022 129 37.68
Jun-2022 129.2 38.37
July-2022 129.9 39.02 Order Link Order Link
Aug-2022 130.2 39.68
Sep-2022 131.3 40.42
Oct-2022 132.5 41.12
Nov-2022 132.5 41.74
Dec-2022 132.3 42.37
Jan-2023 132.8 43.08 Order Link Order Link
Feb-2023 132.7 43.79
Mar-2023 133.3 44.46
Apr-2023 134.2 45.06
May-2023 134.7 45.58
Jun-2023 136.4 46.24
July-2023 139.7 47.14 Order Link Order Link
Aug-2023 139.2 47.97
Sep-2023 137.5 48.54
Oct-2023 138.4 49.08
Nov-2023 139.1 49.68
Dec-2023 138.8 50.28
Jan-2024 138.9 50.84
Feb-2024 139.2 51.44
Mar-2024 138.9 51.95
Apr-2024 139.4 52.43
May-2024 139.9 52.91
Jun-2024 141.4 53.36
July-2024 142.7 53.64
Aug-2024 142.6 53.95
Sep-2024 143.3 54.49
Oct-2024 144.5 55.05
Important Links
Subject | Links |
6th CPC DA Calculation Sheet | Click here |
IDA Calculation sheet | Click here |
DA / DR Orders | Click here |
DA Calculator | Click here |
Dearness Relief Calculator | Click here |
DA Calculator for Bank Employees | Click here |
Bank DA / DR Orders | Click here |
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Any news about discontinuance of announcing monthly statistics of all india consumer price index for industrial workers from February onwards. If so,kindly find out reasons for such a decision as all central govt employees and pensioners are anxious about this.
February ka aicpin kidhar hai
February ka Aicpin Sidharth hai
अभी तक फरवरी 2024 का DA इंडेक्स क्यों अपलोड नहीं किया, जबकि यह 1 अप्रैल 2024 को रात्रि 0:00 बजे अपलोड हो जाना चाहिए था।
The delay in announcing cpi iw for Feb 24 may be due to “Moral code of conduct ” imposed .
It seems that publishing D. A. data has been stopped henceforth. I find no other causes for such a delay.
The entire Administration system has gone Haywire.Even after 12 days vital data on cpi iw Feb 24 has been kept away from those who are waiting for the same may be for ostensible purposes..
DA index portal is very essential and justify. I am very happy to received latest info of Da .
Pl. Update Febuary 2024 data, which is very very important all central govt. Employees and pensioner .
The delay in announcing cpi iw is creating a doubt if it is due to Match fixing to down play prevailing inflation.
100% match fixing
Sir, DA letter for 6 CPC effect from 01/01/2024
It is very disappointment to .mention here that the data/statistics of AICPN for the month of February 2024 not published even till 5 o clock on 03.04.2024.
Why it is taking such a longer time in publishing new index. Admn. should look into the matter.
Why there is a delay in publishing the AICPIN data for February 2024. Pl. expedite.
There is no justification to the delay in publishing AICPIN for the month of February 2024. Please speed up the matter.
Pl. Update FEBUARY 2024 DA DATA.
Why there is delay in notifying Aicpi is for Feb,2024 ?
W.e.f. 1.7.2024.
As per latest labour bureau inflation indications, the future expected d.a. for cg employees and d.r. for cg pensioners is to be increased by 3% i.e., 53%.
Sir, It is seen from the DA/DR calculation table that the figures in col. 2 I. e all insia index are inconsistent. In this context, how the percentage of 50.28 has been arrived at.