Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Pension Section
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi — 110 001
12th June, 2020
1. Heads of all Postal Circles
2. Chief General Manager (BD&M)/ Parcel/ PLI Directorate
3. Director, Rafi Ahmad Kidwai National Postal Academy, Ghaziabad
4. Chief Engineer (HQ), Dak Bhawan
Subject : Provision to extend benefit of payment of compensation of Rs.10 lakhs to all Departmental employees and all categories of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) of Department of Posts to cover death due to COVID-19 while discharging official duties – reporting of death cases due to COVID-19 – reg.
I am directed to refer to this Department’s letter No.100-4/2018-Pen. dated 01.06.2018 forwarding therewith guidelines for settlement of claims for compensation on accidents applicable to Department of Posts and PSUs under its control.
2. The existing Scheme of compensation of Rs.10 lakhs to accidents’ victims was extended to the Departmental employees of Department of Posts and GDSs succumbing to COVID-19 disease while discharging official duty vide this Department’s letter dated 17.04.2020. The extension of the Guidelines for the purpose of COVID-19 cases was only for specific purpose and for the time being only.
3. In supersession of this office letter dated 21.05.2020, the Competent Authority has re-designated Director(Establisliment) as ‘Designated Officer‘ for receiving, processing and disposal of claims vide letter dated 09.06.2020. So far only a few Circles have reported officials succumbing to COVID-19 and no case has been received for settlement of any compensation so far. A Circle-wise summary of death cases reported so far is at Annex.
Also Read : Dept of Posts : Compensation of Rs.10 lakhs to all employees and all GDS to cover death due to Covid -19
4. In view of above, Circles who have reported death of officials succumbing to COVID-19 are requested to expedite verification process as per prescribed procedure and submit claims of compensation, if any. Further, all Circles are requested to ensure submission of any claim of compensation on account of death due to COVID-19 after due verification along with requisite documents/information with personal recommendation of the HOC to enable this Department to take expeditious and prompt settlement of clat Encl: a.a.
( Tarun Mittal )
Asstt. Director General (Pension)