No: S.11011/23/23/2009-CGHS D.II/Hospital Cell / Part IX
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Department of Health & FamIly Welfare
Maulana Azad Road, Nirman Bhawan
New Delhi 110 108 dated the 7th August, 2012
Subject: Empanelment of private hospitals under CGHS AHMEDABAD
The undersigned is directed to invite reference to this Ministry’s Office Memorandum of even number dated the 8th December 2011, vide Which continuous empanelment scheme was initiated for empanelment of hospitals and diagnostic centres under CGHS, AHMEDABAD, In response thereof M/s Apollo Hospital International Ltd., Ahmedabad had applied for empanelment.
2. The position has been reviewed and on the basis of records and confirmation received from the Addl.Director, CGHS, Ahmedabad, Apollo Hospital International Ltd., Ahmedabad has been found eligible for empanelment under CGHS. They had signed the Memorandum of Agreement with CGHS and have also furnished the appropriate performance bank guarantee within the prescribed time limit. The hospital is therefore now taken as included in the list of approved hospitals for treating CGHS beneficiaries in Ahmedabad. The hospital will treat CGHS beneficiaries and charge at the revised rates with effect from the date of issue of this Office Memorandum.
3. This Office Memorandum and the rates applicable under CGHS for hospitals and diagnostic centres can be downloaded from the website of CGHS, http://msotransparent.nicinícghsnew/index asp
Deputy Secretary to Government of India
S.No. | Name of the Hospital / Diagnostic Centre | Empanelled for | Whether NABH/ NABL accredited | Whether already empanelled and services empanelled for |
1. | Apollo Hospitals International Ltd., Plot No. 1A, BHAT GIDC Estate, Bridge, 382428 [Tel: 079-66701800 66701801] |
General purpose including Cardiology, Cardio-thoracic and vascular surgery and Joint Replacement | Yes, NABH Accredited |
Yes Multi-Speciality general purpose and specialised purpose in Cardiology, Cardiovascular and Cardio-thoracic surgery, Urology including dialysis, Lithotripsy and renal transplantation, Orthopaedic surgery including arthroscopic surgery and joint replacement, Neurology & Neurosurgery, Gastroenterology & GI surgery [excluding liver transplant], Oncology including surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, Paediatrics and Paediatric surgery, Encloscopic / Laparoscopic surgery, ENT including specialised surgeries. |
Original Order