Extension of CGHS facility to retired BSNL employees
(A Govt, of India Enterprise)
Admn. Section
Corporate Office
Bharat Sanchar Bhawan
New Delhi
No. BSNL/Admn.I/14-15/09 (Pt)
Dated: Nov 22, 2018
Shri M,R. Vashisht
BSNL & DOT Pensioners Association (India)
C-11, Suvarnadham Avenue
Opp. Sundaravan, Ranip
Ahmedabad 382480.
Sub: Extension of CGHS facility to retired BSNL employees.
Please refer to your letter No. NU/CHQ/36/BDPA dated 30.07.2018 on the subject mentioned above. Orders regarding reimbursement of onetime payment of subscription for availing CGHS facility by retired employees was issued on 29.7.2016 with the approval of the Management Committee. The matter was examined and it is observed that orders are made effective only from the prospective dates unless otherwise specified and cannot be made effective retrospectively on a later date.
This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
( Brahm Parkash )
Assistant General Manager (Admn IV)
Source : http://www.bsnleu.in