Government of India
Department of Personnel & Training
Estt (Pay-I) Section.
New Delhi dated the 30Th March, 2010
Subject: Guidelines for fixation of pay of candidates working in Public
Sector Undertakings etc., recommended for appointment by the Commission by the method of recruitment by selection – regarding.
Reference is invited to this Department’s OMs No. 1211/88-Pay-I dated 7.8.89 and 1211196-Pay-I dated 10.7.98, whereby guidelines for fixation of pay of candidates working in Public Sector Undertakings etc., recommended for appointment by the Commission by the method of recruitment by selection through interview only, were issued.
2. Subsequent to the implementation of the recommendations of
the 6th CPC and the issue of CCS(RP) Rules 2008, the system of Running Pay
Bands and Grade Pays has been introduced. Accordingly, in partial
modification of this Department’s OM dated 7.8.89 and 10.7.98 referred to
above, the method of pay fixation in respect of those appointed on or after
1.1.2006 will be as under:
“In case of candidates working in Public Sector Undertakings, Universities, Semi-Government Institutions or Autonomous Bodies, who are appointed as direct recruits on or after 1.1.2006 on selection through interview by a properly constituted agency including Departmental Authorities making recruitment directly, their initial pay may be fixed by granting them the Grade Pay attached to the post. Further, their pay in the Pay Band may be fixed at a stage so that the pay in the Pay Band +Grade Pay and DA as admissible in the government, protects the pay +DA already being drawn by them in their parent organisations. The pay in the Pay Band fixed under this formulation will not be fixed at a stage lower than Entry Pay in the Revised Pay Structure (corresponding to the Grade Pay applicable to the post) for direct recruits on or after 1.1.2006 as notified vide Section II, Part A of First Schedule to CCS(RP) Rules, 2008. The pay in the Pay Band fixed under this formulation will not exceed Rs. 67000, the maximum of the Pay Band PB-4.”
3. The conditions for admissibility of pay protection shall be the same as
stipulated in this Department’s OMs dated 7.8.89 and 10.7.98 referred to
4. In so far as persons serving in the India Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders are issued with the concurrence of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
5. These orders will be applicable w.e.f. 1.1.2006
(Rita Mather)
Director (Pay)
I was working in PSU Bank as a Officer JMGS-I in the pay scale of Rs. 23700 – 980 – 30560 – 1145 – 32850 – 1310- 42020 and my present Basic Pay was Rs. 27620, I have got an offer of appointment in a Central Government in the pay scale of Rs. 29200 at Level – 5 as per 7th pay commisiion. What will be my Basic Pay fixed in the new post? Kindly clarify.
Also, please let me know the reference Order no. for Pay Fixation of Employee who joined central government job by leaving the job of PSU Bank.
Regards, please
i joined in bhabha atomic research centre ,govt of india on 03-09-2003,as on 01-01-2014 my pay was rs.7590+gp1900,,then on 10-01-2014 through technical resignation i joined in railway ,there pay scale is 5830+gp 1900 +DA and first six month is training period ,so no allowance is provided , kindly suggest for pay fixation.
I am working in CPSU in the pay scale of Rs.16400-40500 and my present Basic Pay is Rs.18150 plus I am due for next increment from 01.01.2014. Now, I have got an offer of appointment in a Central University in the pay scale of Rs.15600-39100 with Grade Pay of Rs.5400. What will be my Basic Pay fixed in the new post? Kindly clarify.
Regards, please
If I joined in GP of 4600/- as DR obtaining NOC and then If I want to join in the Grade pay of 4200/- . Is there any possibility of protection of my pay as per rules.
I am a permanent employee of a central PSU, got selected to a central govt , group A, post through UPSC.
i am presently drawing basic of 31000/- in CPSU. At new organisation basic will be 15600/- + gp = 5400/-.
Considering following points, whether I will be eligible for pay protection ?
1. I have completed probation period in the CPSU.
2. I have applied for the post through proper channel.
3. The recruitment to new post in the central govt deptt., is through Recruitment by selection with Recruitment Test followed by Interview .
Sir, I have joined A PSU after retirement from Air Force. My salary is here less than my previous service. Joining on new service was based on written Exam, followed by intervieew and merit list.Will you help me out to get pay protection here. Thanks a Lot
mob 9560057793
Sir, I have joined A PSU after retirement from Air Force. My salary is here less than my previous service. Joining on new service was based on written Exam, followed by intervieew and merit list.Will you help me out to get pay protection here. Thanks a Lot
If the Gr.B Officer who is in pay Band-2 will be promoted to the Gr.A Officer post i.e. PB-3, whether his pay is directly fixed in PB-3 and corresponding to fix his pay as per fitment table or one notional increment + GP will be allowed?
Kindly clarify
suryanarayana N.