HomeBank DAIBA DR Order for Pre 1986 Retirees from August 2018

IBA DR Order for Pre 1986 Retirees from August 2018

IBA DR Order for Pre 1986 Retirees from August 2018

Indian Banks’ Association


No. CIR/HR&IR/D/G2/2018-19/5576
August 1, 2018

Designated Officers of all Nationalised Banks
and State Bank of India

Dear Sirs,

Dearness Relief payable for the period August 2018 to January 2019 to surviving pre 1.1.1986 retirees of banks (b) surviving spouses of pre 1.1.86 Retirees who are in receipt of Ex-gratia

As per the directive contained in the Government of India, Ministry of Finance Department of Economic Affairs (Banking Division) letter F.No.11/2/2012-IR dated 17.12.2013, the Dearness Relief payable to surviving pre 1.1.1986 retirees of banks for the period August 2018 to January 2019 on Ex-gratia will be as under :

Applicable CPI Average Amount of Ex-gratis per month Rate of Dearness Relief Amount of Dearness Relief per month Total Ex-gratis amount including Dearness Relief per month
6604 Pre 1.1.86 Retirees 350 1005.67 3520 3870
Surviving spouses of pre 1.1.86 retirees 175 1005.67 1760 1935


Yours faithfully,

S K Kakkar
Senior Advisor (HR&IR)

Signed Copy



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