Home8th Pay Commission NewsImmediate constitution of 8th Pay Commission: NC JCM writes to Cabinet Secretary dt 03.12.2024

Immediate constitution of 8th Pay Commission: NC JCM writes to Cabinet Secretary dt 03.12.2024

Immediate constitution of 8th Pay Commission: NC JCM writes to Cabinet Secretary dt 03.12.2024

Shiva Gopal Mishra

Ph.: 23382286
National Council (Staff Side)
Joint Consultative Machinery
for Central Government Employees
13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi – 110001
E-Mail : nc.jcm.np@gmail.com

No.NC/JCM/2024/8th CPC

Dated: December 3, 2024

The Cabinet Secretary,
(Government of India)
Chairman, National Council(JCM),
Cabinet Secretariat,
Rashtrapati Bhawan,
New Delhi-110 004.

Sub: Immediate constitution of 8th Central Pay Commission for revising the Pay/Allowances/ Pension and other benefits of Central Government Employees – Reg.,

Ref.: This office Letter No.NC-JCM-2024/8th CPC dt.03.06.2024.

Dear Sir,

On behalf of the Staff Side Members of National Council JCM and the entire Central Government Employees and Pensioners I wish you a very happy and prosperous New Year 2025 in advance. It is now 09 years after the implementation of the 7th CPC recommendations and the next Wage revision and Pension revision is due from 01.01.2026, since the wages of the Central Government Employees and Pension of the Central Government Pensioners are revised once in 10 years. This periodicity is maintained from the implementation of 4th CPC, i.e., from 01.01.1986. This office vide letter referred above have requested your good self (Copy enclosed for ready reference) that the Government may constitute the 8th Central Pay Commission immediately. It is now more than 06 months after we submitted our request. So far we have not received any positive response from the Government.

Also Read: Constitution of 8th Pay Commission in Budget 2025 ? : Rajya Sabha QA

Sir, you will appreciate that the 7th Central Pay Commission was constituted well in advance ie., on 28.02.2014, almost 02 years before the implementation date of 01.01.2016. However, just 01 year only is left for the next wage / pension revision. The Pay Commissions used to take almost 02 years period for Submitting their final report to the Government and the Government takes 03 to 06 months for considering and implementing its recommendations. In this back drop I feel there is no justification in further delaying the matter. Hence it is once again requested that you may kindly take up the matter with the Hon’ble Prime Minister and Finance Minister for immediate constitution of the 8th CPC.

Awaiting for your favourable response.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)

Copy to: Secretary, MoF(Doe), Govt. of India – For necessary action please.

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