Important Points – 7th Pay Commission Gazette Notification
The Union government on Tuesday issued notification for the implementation of the 7th Pay Commission recommendations, here is the list of important points in the gazette notification.
The new Pay Matrix as on 1st day of January, 2016, the existing pay (Pay in Pay Band plus Grade Pay) in the pre-revised structure as on 31st day of December, 2015 shall be multiplied by a factor of 2.57.
Increments : There shall be two dates for grant of increment namely, 1st January and 1st July of every year, instead of existing date of 1st July; provided that an employee shall be entitled to only one annual increment on either one of these two dates depending on the date of appointment, promotion or grant of financial up-gradation.
Effective From : The Commission’s recommendations and Government’s decision thereon with regard to revised pay structure for civilian employees of the Central Government and personnel of All India shall be effective from the 1st day of January, 2016.
Arrears : The arrears on this account shall be paid during the financial year 2016-2017.
Allowances : The High Level Committee will submit its report within a period of four months. Till a final decision on Allowances is taken based on the recommendations of this Committee, all Allowances will continue to be paid at existing rates in existing pay structure, as if the pay had not been revised with effect from 1st day of January, 2016.
CGEGIS : The existing rates of monthly contribution shall continue. Department of Expenditure and Department of Financial Services will work out a customised group insurance scheme for Central Government employees
Anomalies Committees will be set up by Department of Personnel and Training to examine individual, post-specific and cadre-specific anomalies arising out of implementation of the recommendations of the Commission
My current basic is 14440 . what’s my new basic according to7pc.