Monitoring and disposal of Pensioners’ Grievance through “Web Responsive Pensioners’
Government of India
Ministry of Finance,
Department of Expenditure
Trikoot-2, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066
Website:, Phone: 011-26178990, e-mail:
Dated: 25th Nov, 2016
Sub: Monitoring and disposal of Pensioners’ Grievance through “Web Responsive Pensioners’ Service”
Attention is invited to this office OM No. CPAO/IT &Tech/Single Window Service/54/2016-17/88 dated 20th July, 2016 regarding use of “Web Responsive Pensioners’ Service” (WRPS) of CPAO for monitoring the pensioners grievances whereby Heads of CPPCs & Government Business Departments/Units of Banks were requested to monitor the grievances received through WRPS and settle them within 30 days of receipt under intimation to CPAO. You are also aware that Hon’ble Finance Minister launched WRPS on 14th September, 2016. A workshop for Banks was also organized by CPAO on 3rd October, 2016 to sensitize them towards the use of WRPS for monitoring and disposal of pensioners’ grievances
2. On review of the latest position of pendency of grievances with Banks under WRPS, it has been observed that the banks are not properly using the WRPS for monitoring & disposal of Pensioners’ Grievances. Total 1,426 Grievances were forwarded to banks through WRPS for their response, however, reply for only 583 grievances have been received. Out of 843 pending grievances, 556 are pending for more than 30 days (294 for more than 90 days) whereas grievances are to be settled within 30 days.
3. All Heads of CPPCs & Govt. Business Departments/Units are requested to monitor the disposal of grievances on daily basis and to ensure that all grievances received through CPAO are settled within 30 days and the status updated/responded on WRPS invariably. The period wise information of pendency is available on the dashboards of Heads of CPPCs & Heads of Govt. Business Departments/Units.
4. In case of any difficulty in using this facility, Shri Davinder Kumar, Technical Director, Telephone No. 011 — 2671 5338, e-mail id: may be contacted.
(Subhash Chandra)
Controller of Accounts