National Anomaly Committee – NCJCM Meeting on 14th December 2017
No NAC/2017
Dated December 9 2017
Members of the Standing Committee
of NC/JCM(Staff Side)
Dear Comrades!
Sub: National Anomaly Committee
A reference has been received from the DoP&T (Government of India). wherein they have put an objection to our agenda we have submitted to the National Anomaly Committee.
To give them a proper reply, it would be in all appropriateness that Standing Committee Members of the National Council (JCM)(Staff Side), available in Delhi. should meet on 14th December, 2017 at 13:00 hrs. in JCM Office, 13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi, to discuss and decide the strategy.
With Best Wishes!
Comradely yours
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
Source : confederationhq
All departments like Defence, postal, Audit has provided the upgradation of grade pay 4800 to 5400 after completing 4 years service except Finance Rail Ministry while DOPT acceptance received to Finance RAIL MINISTRY IN APRIL 2017.
RAILWAY FINANCE MINISTRY ALSO issued order like above mentioned department for upgradation of grade pay 4800 to 5400 of Accounts department after completing 4 years service in DECEMBER 2017as 7th pay commission has recommended grade pay 4800 to 5400 of Accounts department after completing 4 years service.