Online allotment of Railway : Officers Rest Houses, Holiday Homes, Community Centers/Halls
New Delhi,dated: 31-05-2018
Managing director
New Delhi
Sub: Online allotment of Railway : Officers Rest Houses, Holiday Homes, Community Centers/Halls
A Director’s committee was constituted by the Board on the above subject. Keeping in view the recommendations of the committee, Board (MS, FC & CRB) have approved the following the implementation on IR:
1.0 CRIS will develop an online booking system with automated allotment facility for a specified percentage of rooms for the following categories:-
(i) Staff/Supervisors rest roomsa
(ii) Holiday Homes (Officers/Staff)
(iii) Community Centers/Halls
(iv) Officers Rest House
2.0 The automated online allotment system may inter alia consider the following.
2.1 Master Data at the backend
2.1.1 Personal information of the staff/officers : Name, Designation, Grade Pay, Grade, Mobile number/CUG, E-mail Id etc. be linked to IPAS by CRIS. This will generate a password and username. Ideally AADHAR Number may be used. For retired Employees ARPAN may be used and for employees on deputation, the lien Railway may be asked to verify and generate username and password.
The software to be developed by CRIS may have the provision for feeding and storage of above details, to be fed by the users.
2.1.2 Rest house detail and its inventory – Location of rest house (Zone, Division, state, District or place, Address) type of facility (ORH,Staff/Supervisor rest house, Holiday Home, Community Hall) type of rooms (Double Bed, Multiple Beds, Dormitory, Suite with AC or Non AC Classification), location on Google map with photographs may be provided.
The Software to be developed by CRIS should have the provision for feeding and storage of above details, to be fed by the Railways.
2.1.3 Structure of ‘Admin’ for the allotment and monitoring : There will be a Super Admin at Board level and ‘Admin’ at Divisional level for allotment, operation and monitoring DRM office will have control on allotment for rest houses in open line, CAO/C office for rest house in construction Organization and GM office for production units.
Also Read : Eligibility for Holiday Homes
3.0 Policy/Procedural issues
3.1 Advance Bookind Period: At present there is no uniform policy in practice across IR. Advance Booking period of one month for Rest House facilities and two months for Holiday Home and Community Halls may be provided for in the software by CRIS.
3.2 There shall be an Automatic allotment (Software generated) of rooms/beds upto 70% of the total numbers, truncated to lower integer. For example in case rooms are 7, then 70% would be 4.9, this would be truncated to 4 for automatic and 3 for manual allotment called emergency allotment. Rooms against emergency allotment are to be allotted only after rooms against automatic allotment are booked.
3.3 Online payment facility and uniform room rent policy : Following room rents have been approved for uniform implementation across IR, depending upon the city and type of the room. The payment for the rest house shall be made online for all rooms with automatic allotment. The manual facility may also be contined for some time. For 70% auto allotment, advance online payment may be made compulsory. Payment Gateway may be provided by CRIS for this purpose.
The Room rents per day for officer Rent Houses/Holiday Homes are as under:-
Category of Stations / cites | ON DUTY | ON Private Account | For Guests | |||
AC Room | Non AC Room | AC Room | Non AC Room | AC Room | Non AC Room | |
A | Nil | Nil | 300 | 240 | 930 | 400 |
B | Nil | Nil | 200 | 160 | 600 | 240 |
C | Nil | Nil | 100 | 80 | 480 | 160 |
* Dormitory on private account – Rs.50/Bed
3.4 Online check-in and Check-out facility : This will improve the rest house availability as room will be instantaneously available after checkout. check in and checkout may be done by the official himself or the supervisor/Caretaker of the facility.
3.5 Multiple ORH at big place : Many facilities are available at big cities and booked by different agencies like GM office, DRM office, and construction organization etc. also one rest house is booked by multiple agencies like Rail Nivas, New Delhi. In partial modification of the existing instructions, it has been decided that the DRM office of the station will be single point office, for allotment of all facilities except construction ORH, which will have the ‘Admin’ in construction organization.
In case of more than one DRM office at one place like Mumbai, Hyderabad, Kolkata Nagpur each one will control it in specific divisional area, this will be clearly indicated on the website.
3.6 Maximum rooms to be allotted : Not more than five days in lean season and three days in peak season will be the duration of the allotment.
3.7 Maximum duration for allotment :Not more than five days in lean season and three days in peak season will be the duration of the allotment.
3.8 Prevention of Multiple Bookings: In case of multiple rest houses in a city, the system shall be able to allot the rooms as per the maximum allotment permissible at the station among all the facilities of the city.
3.9 Cancellation and Modification: Officials will be allowed to modify the request and also to cancel the request. The online amount paid for booking will not be refunded for the facilities except Community centers/halls. The system will also have waiting list and in case of cancellation, the allotment will be as per the facilities except community centers/halls. The system will also have waiting list and in case of cancellation, the allotment will be as per the waiting list.
An official may be allowed to cancel the booking of holiday homes only three times in a year After this a no consideration period of six months for auto allotment of that facility may be imposed on the official. But the official may be permitted to get booking done on manual allotment basis.
In case of administrative requirement, ‘Admin’ may cancel the booking. In Case of special occasion like marriage, special booking through ‘Admin’ may be made.
3.10 Feedback and Rating:
Feedback as a one click system (star rating0 at the time of checking out, may be made. It will also have provision for remarks, visible to all users.
4.0 CRIS may consider the above and develop the application software and put it on trial for two months for obtaining feed back and making corrective action if any in consultation with Transformation cell.
This issues with the concurrence of Associate Finance of Transformation Cell Railway Board.
Kindly acknowledge the receipt and ensure compliance.
Executive Director, Transformation