HomeCGEPCDA Circular 635 : Submission of certificates by retiring Armed Forces Personnel / Defence Civilian alongwith pension papers

PCDA Circular 635 : Submission of certificates by retiring Armed Forces Personnel / Defence Civilian alongwith pension papers

PCDA Circular 635

Government of India
Ministry of Defence (Finance)

Circular No. 635

Dated: 29.07.2020


1. The Chief Accountant, RBI, Deptt. Of Govt, Bank Accounts, Central Office C-7, Second Floor, Bandre- Kurla Complex, P B No. 8143, Bandre East Mumbai- 400051
2. All CMDs, Public Sector Banks.
3. The Nodal Officers, ICICI/HDFC/AXIS/IDBI Banks
4. All Managers, CPPCs
5. Military and Air Attache, Indian Embassy, Kathmandu, Nepal
6. The PCDA (WC), Chandigarh
7. The CDA (PD), Meerut
8. The CDA Chennai
9. The Director of Treasuries, All States
10. The Pay and Accounts Officer, Delhi Administration, R K Puram and Tis Hazari, New Delhi.
11. The Pay and Accounts Office, Govt of Maharashtra, Mumbai
12. The Post Master Kathua (J&K) and Camp Bell Bay.
13. The Principal Pay and Accounts Officer Andaman and Nicobar Administration Port Blair.

Subject:- Simplification of pension payment procedure – Submission of certificates by retiring Armed Forces Personnel/Defence Civilian alongwith pension papers.

Reference: – Circular No. 633 dated 30.03.2020.

Reference is invited to this office Circular No. 633 dated 30.03.2020 under which this office has issued instructions to credit the pensionary awards notified in favour of the pensioner into his/her bank account without the physical presence of that individual, as and when due, on the basis of documents mentioned in the ibid circular in soft copy (scanned copies in PDF) on dedicated mail IDs of the respective PDAs. Pension disbursing authorities were requested to ensure that the pensionary benefits as given in the PPO are not to held up for want of documents. Where required, PDAs may make the effort to contact the pensioner through his email or mobile number notified in the PPO. It was also mentioned in the circular that this measure will be applicable till further orders.

2. Complaints from various sources have been received in this office that the PDAs are not accepting scanned copies of the documents mentioned in circular No. 633 stating that these instructions were applicable only during the Lockdown period.

Also ReadPCDA Circular 637 : Online submission of pension claims

3. In this context, PDAs are requested to refer this office Circular No. 546 dated 10.09.2015 in implementation of GoI, MoD letter No. 3(01)/2015-D(Pen/Pol) dated 25.08.2015, wherein it was provided that the pensioner would no longer be required to visit the pension disbursing agency to activate the first payment of pension except case where documents provided by the Service HQrs in the case of ICOs (through PSA)/Record Office in the case of PBORs are incomplete. Further, it is once again advised as earlier that this measure has been necessitated to avoid inconvenience to defence pensioners and will be applicable till further orders to change the procedure.

4. All other instructions will remain unchanged.

5. This circular has been uploaded on this office website www.pcdapension.nic.in for dissemination to all concerned.

6. Hindi version will follow.

No. Grants/Tech/0148/LXI
Dated: 29.07.2020

(Sushil Kumar Singh)
Addl. CDA (P)

Signed Copy



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