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  1. My sister was a Govt. employee. After two years of her marriage she expired. My father is a pensioner. Whether I am entitled for compassionate appointment as we were two daughters.

  2. Sir, I am an employee of SQAE (A)Badmal ,Bolangir ,Odisha i wants some clarification to departmental forum. I was joined in service on 19.01.1998 as a skilled grade . and other person was also joined in service as a carpenter ssk grade but in the year 2003 the carpenter got promotion as a high skilled grade , when i complain to sqao he can not accepted my promotion and also frequently give promotion one to another step now he is going to mcm grade , my question is here who is senior of both grade and who is first take promotion in this Establishment . please give me some feedback regarding my doubt ,
    yours B.D.NANDA

  3. Sir, I am an employee of SQAE (A)Badmal ,Bolangir ,Odisha i wants some clarification to departmental forum. I was joined in service on 19.01.1998 as a skilled grade . and other person was also joined in service as a carpenter ssk grade but in the year 2003 the carpenter got promotion as a high skilled grade , when i complain to sqao he can not accepted my promotion and also frequently give promotion one to another step now he is going to mcm grade , my question is here who is senior of both grade and who is first take promotion in this Establishment . please give me some feedback regarding my doubt ,
    yours B.D.NANDA


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