Promotion – MACP OPTION FORM Calculator

Promotion – MACP OPTION FORM Calculator


  1. Sir I am granted MACP in GP .4200/- w.e.f. 01 May 2016 which option will be beneficial for me for pay fixation in 7 th pay.kindly guide mE
    I taking

  2. I have joined as LDC in Feb 1987 and now I got 3 rd MACP after 30 ye from grade pay 2800 to 4200 and my pay fixed in Rs 42300however my collique in same pay scale same post fixed on 47600/ in july 2016 as their macp was due in july 2016(in 6 th pay we were in same pay ) now ( 47600-42300 )=5300 difference it is major difference .sir I am very much dipress sir I request you pl examine my case and help

  3. 01. I Have Joined on 23/11/1990 as Staaf Nurse in revised Pay Grade -4600 of 6 PC .
    02 I ggt first Promotion on 25/04/1994 as Grande -I Sister in revised pay Grade-4800 of 6 PC.
    03. I got Second Promotion on 01/02/2003 as ANS in revised pay Grade 5400 of 6 PC

    Que 1. Shall I get next Finanacial Upgradation after the completion 20 Years i.e.23.11.2010? since second promoin earned as First ACP Norms i.e within 12 years

  4. I am granted MACP in GP .4600/- w.e.f. 25/10/2015 which option will be beneficial for me for pay fixation in 7 th pay.kindly guide mE

  5. I am granted MACP in GP .2800/- w.e.f. 24/02/2017 which option will be beneficial for me for pay fixation in 7 th pay.kindly guide me

  6. In pursuance of DOPT, Notification No, 1-2/2016-IC dated 25.07.2016, MOP&NG vide Letter No. G-27011/01/2016-Estt. Dated 8.8.2016, has fixed Section Officers Pay in the New pay structure w.e.f.1.1.2016 on Central Civil Services (Revised pay) Rules, 2016, . In this regard, I, Section Officer would like to state that, I joined as Section Officer of CSS on ad hoc basis w.e.f. 17.2.2014. as per MOP&NG order dated 25.2.2014.

    Now, I would like to draw your attention to the anomaly in the pay scales after the fixation. which are as follows:
    My pay after multiplication of fitment factor 2.57 Revised pay in pay matrix w.e.f.
    1.1.2016 Pay on release of increment w.e.f.1.7.2016
    My pay SO -2014 58,956/- Rs 60,400/- Rs 62,200/-
    Another SO SO-2015 66.383/- Rs 68,000 Rs 70,000/-

    2. In view of the above, and considering the fact that ASO’s (Senior Assistants of batch 2003) in MOP&NG pay has been fixed, very much higher than a Section Officer’s Pay in the New pay structure. Hence my humble request is, that the huge anomaly in my pay fixation may please be examined and necessary rectification may please be done at the earliest.
    Thanking you.
    I have been promoted to the gradepay of 4800 on 17/2/2014. kindly tell me how the anomaly in my pay can be rectified & from which year will I get the scale of Rs 5400/.
    Thank you

  7. Sir i have basic pay 14260 as on 1-1-16 and my next macp i.e 4200 is due w.e.f 22 july 2016.requet tell me how much basic pay wiil be mine after 22july 2016 as per 7 pay commision report with option 1,2,3

  8. I have been Given MACP ON 06\04\2014 From PAY STRUCTURE 13650 + 4200 = 17850 TO 14190 + 4600 = 18790 IN PAY SCALE 9300 – 34800 . WOULD I GOT DUE REGULAR INCREMENT ON JULY 2014 ( 01/01/2014 ?

  9. On 31-12-2015 my basic pay with grade pay in PB-II was 28040, As per 7cpc on 1 jan 2016 my pay was fixed in 72100 and on 01 april 2016 I got 30 years MACP and i want option 2 in macp grade pay 5400 but office say it is not possible option in 7cpc
    has been demolish so we give only one incriment 3% and fix
    in leable 9 it is correct pl say

  10. I have promoted in G.P. 4200 in pay scale 9300-34800 on dated 5 apr. 2016 from G.P. 2800+12380. Kindly tell me how my pay will be fixed and which option in beneficial to me . Thank you

  11. I have promoted in GP 7600 in pay scale of 15600-39000 on dated 1-1-2016 from GP 6600. which option will be beneficial for me for pay fixation in 7 th pay.kindly guide me

  12. On 01.01.2013 I got MACP in PB of Rs.5200-20200+2800 GP.
    On 01.01.2016 my Basic Pay was Rs.15410 (12610+2800 GP) in PB of Rs.5200-20200/-.
    On 01.04.2016 I got Officiating promotion to the post of Office Superintendent in PB of Rs.9300-34800 +4200 GP. and got regular promotion without break on 01.07.2016 in PB of Rs.9300-34800+4200 GP.
    Whether I am eligible for obtaining the benefits of Pay w.e.f. 01.04.2016 under 7th CPC.
    Please tell me about my pay fixation as per 7th CPC.

  13. On 31-12-2015 my basic pay with grade pay in PB-II was 19860, As per 7cpc on 1 jan 2016 my pay was fixed in 52000 and on 17 Mar 2016 I got 30 years MACP they gave me 3% increment in PB-II, my pay was fixed in 52800 and from Apr 16 my pay was 53000. But I have not got any increment in July 17 and pay was 53000. I got arrears from 1Jan 2016. Is it correct, I have choose option I, please give your opinion

    • on 31/12/15 my basic+gp 14240 in pay band (5200-20200+2800gp)
      On 01/01/16 I got macp ( nb/sub) my basic+gp 16070 in pay band (9300-34800+4200gp)
      On 18 /01/16 i promotion to the rank of Nb/sub the same pay &pay band ( as macp no increments)
      Any option is not ask by me.
      Now basic pay is 39900 it less than my bp it should be 43600 as per promotion options form
      Weather iam eligible for obtaining the benefit of pay wef 01/01/16 under 7th CPC pl tell me the pay fixation as 7th cpc

  14. I got promotion on 2.8.16…can I take 7th p.c.after taking my promotion, I got promotion from 2800g.p . to 4200 g.p.that means I stay in 6th p.c. still 1.8.16 and taking promotional benefits in 6th p.c .and upgrade to 7th p.c. on or after 2.8.16… Is it possible? I will not take any areas in this period….. Please reply me!?? If any body know this please reply me….thanking you….

  15. I had been appointed as Jr. Stenographers in Gr. Rs.1200-2040 (RPS) on 22.09.1988 on Railways. Further, I had been promoted to Sr. Stenographers in Gr. Rs.1400-2600 (IVth Pay) / 5000-8000 (RSRP) PB-II Rs.9300-34800 (NPS) + Grade Pay Rs.4200/- w.e.f. 14.06.1994. During my entire service of 28 years, I had got only one promotion on 14.06.1994. Further I got the Ist MACP Grade Pay Rs.4600/- in September, 2008.

    Whereas some Clerical / technical employees from have got the MACP benefits in time as per the above criteria. It is learnt that staff of various other Departments / Divisions of Central Railway including Western Railways have given MACP scheme in terms of above criteria. However, Stenographers are deprived of giving MACP / promotion in time.

    As per the guidelines stipulated that even though the MACPS Scheme is continuing to be administered at 10, 20 and 30 years as before also.

    Sir, kindly confirms if I am eligible for Ist MACP in 2004 and 2nd MACP in 2014 respectively at par with the Clerical / technical employees were given MACP benefits as per the above criteria.

  16. I was appointed as Junior Accounts Assistant in the the scale of pay 4500-7000 of 5th PC on Sep-1997 and I got first promotion in the scale of 5500-9000 in the year 2001. In the sixth PC I got second MACP (instead of promotion) which is equivalent in 4200 grade pay of 6th PC.
    After finishing 10 year of service in the same
    post, I got second MACP of 4600 grade pay. In the seventh pay commission, the MACP has been altered that MACP would be given on hierarchy basis only. In the Railway accounts department, the grade pay level on hierarchy basis are 1900 g.p, 2800 g.p 4200 g.p., next 4800 g.p only. I want to ask that whether my grade pay level would be fixed in 4800 g.p. level or 4600 g.p level since there is promotion/MACP given on hierarchy basis as per 7th PC?.
    Kindly clarify my level of pay would be fixed in 4800 level pay or 4600 pay level. In the accounts department there is no promotional of 4600 grade pay level. If my pay is not fixed in 4800 grade pay level, the MACP is totally waste one.


  17. My friend has got MACP in the grade pay 2800 in 2015 march, and get regular promotion in the grade pay 4200 on 27.06.2016. which option is beneficial pl. help me.

    Thank you

    • P K Dubey Says

      I got MACP in the grade pay 2800 in 2009 April, and get regular promotion in the grade pay 4200 on 11.11.2016. which option is beneficial pl. help me.

      Thank you

    • Sir,

      My friend got MACP in the GP Rs. 2800/- on August 2015 and his pay was fixed with basic pay Rs. 11850/-+2800/-. Later he got on regular promotion in the GP Rs.4200/- on 08.06.2016. How we can calculate his pay in the seventh CPC?

      Thank you,

  18. I have promoted to the gradepay of 4800 on 5/7/16 from the scale of Rs12530+4200,. kindly tell me how my pay will be fixed & which option is beneficial to me . Thank you

    • R,M,Sayed says
      July 26, 2017 at 4:58 PM

      I got MSCP to the grade pay of 4800 on 29/11/16 from the scale of Rs20040+4600,. kindly tell me how my pay will be fixed & which option is beneficial to me . Thank you


  19. As per Rule 5 of RP Rules, 2016 and Explanation No.1 given thereunder, it is inter-alia stated that :-
    “Provided further that in cases where a Government servant has been placed in a higher grade pay or scale between 1st day of January, 2016 and the date of notification of these rules on account of promotion or upgradation, the Government servant may elect to switch over to the revised pay structure from the date of such promotion or upgradation, as the case may be.
    Explanation 1.- The option to retain the existing pay structure under the provisos to this rule shall be admissible only in respect of one existing Pay Band and Grade Pay or scale.”

    Keeping in view, the above para, option 2 as shown in your calculation sheet seems to be incorrect, as Rule does not permit the individual to give option to switch over to the revised pay structure after date of his promotion or upgradation.

    Your valuable comments are solicited in this regard.

    • option 3rd is also not admissible as the explanation 1 says that pay can be retained in one grade pay only hence two grade pay i.e. 2800 and 4200 is not applicable


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