HomeBSNLRecruitment for the post of DR Junior Accounts Officer in BSNL from open market

Recruitment for the post of DR Junior Accounts Officer in BSNL from open market

Recruitment for the post of DR Junior Accounts Officer in BSNL from open market

(A Government of lndia Enterprise)
Corporate Office, SEA Section
7th Floor, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan
Harish chander Mathur Lane, Janapath
New Delhi – 110 001

No.4-20/2017-SEA BSNL

Dated:- 28.09 2018.


All Heads of Telecom Circles,
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited,
(Recruiting Circles Only)
(Andaman and Nicobar, chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, NE-I, NE-II, Orissa).

Sub:- Recruitment for the post of DR Junior Accounts Officer in BSNL from open market through on line competitive examination herd on 5th and 6th Nov 2017.

Kindly refer to this office letter no. 4-7/2018-SEA BSNL dated 28.06.2018 & 13 08.2018 vide which it was asked to furnish the information regarding the document verification and training status of Directly Recruited JAO 2017.’

In this connection it.is intimated that the required information is yet to be received in this office. Therefore, it is once again requested to furnish the following information immediately to ihis office at mail id am_sea_2@bsnl.co.in followed by Hard copy.

Name of the Circle OC OBC SC ST PH Total
Total numbers of qualified JAO in the Circle
Total number of candidates reported for
document verification
Total number of candidates sent for training so far
Number of candidates not reported so far

Matter may be given TOP PRIORITY.

This issues with the approval of Competent Authority

Deputy General Manager (SEA)

Signed Copy

Source : http://www.bsnleu.in



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