Release of arrears of Dearness Relief of 18 months to pensioners
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Rajya Sabha
Unstarred Question No. 689
To be answered on Tuesday, 13 December, 2022
Agrahayana 22, 1944 (Saka)
Release of arrears of Dearness Relief of 18 months to pensioners
689: Shri Naranbhai J. Rathwa:
Will the Minister of Finance be pleased to state:
(a) whether the Government has received several representations regarding the release of arrears of Dearness Relief to Central Government pensioners of 18 months i.e. from January 2020 to June, 2021:
(b) if so, the details thereof; and
(c) whether Government is sincerely considering the release of 18 months arrears to pensioners, if not, the reasons therefor?
Also Read: Payment of DA Arrears and restoration of commuted value of Pension: NCJCM Meeting
Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance (Shri Pankaj Chaudhary)
{a) & (b) Yes, Sir. Several Representations regarding release of arrears of 18 months of DA/DR payable to Central Government employees/pensioners have been received from. various Central Government employees/pensioners’ associations such as National Council (JCM), National Federation of Indian Railway Men (NFIR), All India Railway Men’s Federation (AIRF), All India Retired Railway Men’s Federation (AIRRF), JCOs/OR Veterans Association (JOVA), Bhartiya Railway Karamchari Union (BRKU), Bhartiya Pension Manch, National Ex-Servicemen Co-ordination Committee and Veteran Association ete.
{c) The decision to freeze three instalments of DA/DR to Central Government employee/pensioners due from 01.01.2020, 01.07.2020 & 01.01.2021 was taken in the context of COVID-19 which caused economic disruption so as to ease pressure on Government finances.
As the adverse financial impact of pandemic in 2020 and the financing of welfare measures taken by Government had a fiscal spill over beyond Financial Year 2020-21, release of arrears of DA/DR was not considered feasible.
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Sir pay fixation ex service man jco ors in re employee CAPF any new order
Freezing of DA arrear which is due to Central Govt employees is wrong. It is a part of salary and not free ration and Gas which is Govt distributing to nonworking people of India from their treasury.why Govt is announcing pension to nonworking people in the vountry to get their Vote