HomeAutonomous BodiesRevision of Pension of Autonomous body Pensioners - Finance Ministry Clarification

Revision of Pension of Autonomous body Pensioners – Finance Ministry Clarification

Revision of Pension of Autonomous body Pensioners – Finance Ministry Clarification

Regarding Revision of Pension of Autonomous body Pensioners , Finance Ministry has clarified as follows

Central Government does not issue any instructions regarding implementation of recommendations of the Central Pay Commission PERTAINING TO PENSION IN RESPECT OF EMPLOYEES OF AUTONOMOUS BODIES. In view of this , NO ORDERS REGARDING IMPLEMENTATION OF RECOMMENDATIONS OF 7th CPC IN RESPECT OF EMPLOYEES OF AUTONOMOUS BODIES IN THE MATTER OF PENSION ARE TO BE ISSUED BY FINANCE MINISTRY. The appropriate decision is to be taken by the concerned Autonomous Body in consultation with the concerned Administrative Ministry in keeping with the practice on the previous occasions and also in the light of the Rules and Regulations/Bye-laws governing the service conditions of respective Autonomous Bodies.

Secretary General
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Email : mkrishnan6854@gmail.com

Source : Confederation



  1. Indian ststistical institute has got the sanction of 7th cpc order, but pensioners of same autonomous orgn. Have not received their 7th cpc benefit till date. Why this discreaminaton govt.doing. pl solve it.

    • How long pensioners of autonomous organisations will have to wait for getting 7th cpc benefit? Is there any condition imposed on them? Please coment .

  2. The ministry of human resources development dept. Have issued an order dated 29-12-20017 directing the NFTIs -autonomous bodies-to implement revised pay scales to the Non- teaching staff but they have stopped to revise benefits for pensioners. What a pity that the govt.showing the interest on the pensioners that too all old mans.lt is very much notable that an order dated 27 10 2017 ,orders were issued for teaching staff also.Why this partiality. What the govt expect from sr. citizen pensioners. The govt is giving slowly killing poison to nit s pensioners. Thank the MHR D Ministry.


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