HomeAutonomous BodiesRevision of Pension of Autonomous body Pensioners - Finance Ministry Clarification

Revision of Pension of Autonomous body Pensioners – Finance Ministry Clarification

Revision of Pension of Autonomous body Pensioners – Finance Ministry Clarification

Regarding Revision of Pension of Autonomous body Pensioners , Finance Ministry has clarified as follows

Central Government does not issue any instructions regarding implementation of recommendations of the Central Pay Commission PERTAINING TO PENSION IN RESPECT OF EMPLOYEES OF AUTONOMOUS BODIES. In view of this , NO ORDERS REGARDING IMPLEMENTATION OF RECOMMENDATIONS OF 7th CPC IN RESPECT OF EMPLOYEES OF AUTONOMOUS BODIES IN THE MATTER OF PENSION ARE TO BE ISSUED BY FINANCE MINISTRY. The appropriate decision is to be taken by the concerned Autonomous Body in consultation with the concerned Administrative Ministry in keeping with the practice on the previous occasions and also in the light of the Rules and Regulations/Bye-laws governing the service conditions of respective Autonomous Bodies.

Secretary General
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Source : Confederation



  1. The delay in revision of pension of the pensioners of autonomous organisations is beyond any reasonable understanding . As a matter of fact the Service rules of the Govt of India are Mutatis Mutandis applicable to the employees of autonomous organisations AND, therefore orders for Introduction of service/ pension Arya benefits should have been concurrent and simultaneous .
    We would sincerely request Hon’ble Minister of Finance to issue a directive to all administrative ministries to implement pay commission benefits to serving employees as well as pensioners without any further delay .

  2. The pensioners’ of the autonomous bodies eagerly waited that their pension would be revised before Diwali and get their arrears to meet out their financial commitments. But even after Diwali, the same status is continuing and the Government skipped from his responsibility that the orders for revision of pension will be released by the concerned Ministry of the autonomous body. There is no hope that this Government will do good for the pensioners of the central autonomous body.

  3. Shashikanth kumar say
    This is the first time autonomous
    body pensioners eagerly waiting for 7cpc implication. HRD minister tookkarnataka election incharge. He assured will issue order soon ?????

  4. Pensioners of autonomous bodies exept csir, which is under PM, should go to hell. Who bothers. It is not a vote bank force.

  5. K.L.Gauba
    16 August 2017

    It is the first time that pensioners of central government autonomous bodies could not get the benefits of 7 cpc. What is the problen in implementation. Where should we go for justice.

  6. Honourable Prime Minister will you please look into the senior citizens or the pensioners of autonomous bodies about their suffering due to deprive from getting any booster dose of 7th cpc and dearnes relief. Otherwise they will die. Hope you will look into the matter with utmost importance and release the same as soon as possible.

  7. Dear Sir,

    I am feeling shame for requesting you to implement 7th Pay Commision on Retired employees of autnomous bodies. Nor Government of is giving DA from July 2017 to pensionsers of autonomous bodies what Government want with retired persons of autonomous bodies. It will be better to think seriously to give 7th pay commison at the earliest.

  8. Respected FM & PM may kindly look into the appeals of the employees and pensioners of the central autonomous bodies and expedite action for implementation of VII CPC without any further delay. This is the first time since from I CPC to VI CPC, the Central Pay Commission benefits are not implemented to the central autonomous bodies employees and pensioners even after 11 months of implementation of Pay Commission to the Central Govt. Employees and its pensioners.. The employees and pensioners do not have any way other than to appeal to the Govt.

  9. Sir I am retiree from autonomous body under Ministry. Of science and technology retired in 2004. But still the VII CPC in not implemented to us and it is understood that pending for want of the ordered from ministry. Kindly put some light on this and kindly let us know if at all it will be implemented. Thks s.nagaraj

    • Respected Sir,

      It is with lot of pain I am putting forward my plea. 7th CPC is implemented to regular of all GOI organisations but not for autonomous bodies. This is very sad becoz till date no clue or hint that this will be done. Most hit are pensioners like me. Kindly let us know the present status

  10. Mr. PM, you are ruling the country like a dictator totally depriving the pensioners/family pensioners of central autonomous bodies by not extending the 7th cpc benefits. You should note that people of the country have not forgotten that your party came to power by false promises to the public. Denying 7th cpc benefit to pensioners of autonomous bodies by your govt. is vindictive attitude towards pensioners as you have put us in the dustbins at our old ages.

  11. The Govt. should stop the tactics of delaying the extension of VII CPC to central autonomous bodies employees and pensioners by telling that the Ministry of Finance has already issued orders for implementation of VII CPC to central autonomous bodies and the concerned Administrative Ministry has to take action for release, The Govt. should understand without releasing funds/.grants how the Administrative Ministry issue orders to the central autonomous bodies under their control for implementing VII CPC.. The performance review of central autonomous bodies by Niti Aayog should not be linked with the VII CPC implementation,, as it is a big exercise and it takes long time to complete it. It is very sad that the Govt. is not coming forward to disclose its position and simply ignoring the employees and pensioners genuine appeal of the central autonomous bodies. If this situation continues, the Govt. is certainly going to face problem from the employees of the central autonomous bodies..

  12. The Pensioners are to be treated with dignity. This is the rule of Government.
    While extending 7 CPC and in payment of DR the Government is showing step mother treatment.to the pensioners of autonomous bodies. We never heard such type ;of problems in extending the Govt. benefits to the Retired employees of autonomous bodies. We do not know the reasons behind this.situation. This is not healthy atmosphere. We expect that Government will take an immediate decision in this regard without any further delay..

  13. This is really very BAD. Govt. is going so slow for the poor pensioners. Even after 1 year we still don’t have revised pension.

  14. Over the year it appears that game of passing the buck is being played between the Finance Ministry of the Government and the various Ministries. As a result concerned autonomous organisations pensioners are deprived of their legitimate dues while the employees of these organisations have been extended with the revised pay in the meantime barring the pensioners.. Why this discrimination? Such a situation never arose in past and in fact the 6th pay revision was simultaneously extended to the pensioner within reasonable time of extension of the said benefit to regular employees of autonomous organisation. Hence pertinent question can be asked as to why the Finance Ministry denied issuing any order/direction to respective Ministry to consider and decide in this respect since they have already done so for regular employees of such autonomous organisation.? Is it not miscarriage of justice and equity? Where we poor age old pensioners should turn for justice? Is Finance Minister listening |

  15. I am retired from IIT. Till now i had been rss/BJP worker. But seeing the working of PM/FM, particularly for employees of autonomous bodies, who were getting all benefit like central government till Congress was in power. Now our PM/PM are enjoying only themselves by our tax money. FM, who could not win loksabha should be thrown out. Time has come to unite and throwout this govt.

  16. Central. government neglected autonomous body pensioners. Take immediate action and disburse 7 pay commission pension and. Da from July 2016.


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