7th CPC PCDA Allahabad Circular – Revision of Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners/Family Pensioners
Implementation of Govt’s Decisions on the recommendations of the 7th CPC Revision of pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners/Family Pensioners
Important circular No.C-153
O/O The Pr. C.D.A.(P)
Date 12 August, 2016
Subject: Implementation of Govt’s decisions on the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission – Revision of Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners/Family Pensioners etc.
A copy of GOL, Ministry of P,PG and Pensions, Deptt. of P&PW OM No.38/37/2016-P&PW (A) (ii) dated 4th August, 2016 is enclosed for immediate implementation of Govt’s decision on recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission relating to revision of Pension of Pre-1-1-2016 Pensioners/Family Pensioners w.e.f. 1-1-2016.
2. The following further instructions are issued for smooth implementation of the ibid Govt. OM on the subject:-
3.1 Para-2 of the enclosed Govt. OM provides the extent of its applicability. Present orders are applicable to the Pensioners/family pensioners in whose respect pension payment order (PPO) have been issued by CDA (Pensions)/Chief CDA (Pensions)/Pr.CDA (Pensions) from time to time in respect of Defence Civilians/Civilians under Ministry of Defence (MoD).
3.2 As stated in Para 2.2 of the enclosed OM, nothing contained in the enclosed OM applies to Commissioned Officers and Personnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR) of Armed forces. Separate orders will be issued for them by Ministry of Defence.
4.1 For existing pensioners, who have retired before 01.01.2016, the revised pension/Family pension with effect from 01.01.2016 shall be determined by multiplying the pension/family pension, as had been fixed at the time of implementation of 6th Central Pay Commission (CPC) recommendations, by a factor of 2.57. The amount of revised pension/family pension so arrived at shall be rounded off to next higher rupee.
4.2 For calculation of revised pension, the existing pension/family pension will be the basic pension/family pension only without the element of additional pension available to the old pensioners/family pensioners of the age of 80 years and above. The additional pensions/Family pension payable to old pensioners/family pensioners will be worked out in accordance with para 4.5 of the OM.
4.3 Since the consolidated pension will be inclusive of commuted portion of pension, if any, the commuted portion will be deducted from the said amount while making monthly disbursements.
4.4 MINIMUM/MAXIMUM PENSION/FAMILY PENSION : The minimum pension w.e.f 01.01.2016 will be Rs.9000/- Per month (excluding the element of additional pension to old pensioners). The upper ceiling on pension/family pension will be 50% and 30% respectively of the highest pay in the Government (The highest pay in the Government is Rs.2,50,000 w.e.f. 01.01.2016).
4.5 ADDITIONAL PENSION : the quantum of pension/family pension available to the old pensioners/family pensioners shall continue to be as follows:-
Age of Pensioner/Family Pensioner | Addition quantum of Pension |
From 80 Years to less than 85 Years | 20% of revised basic pension/family pension |
From 85 Years to less than 90 Years | 30% of revised basic pension/family pension |
From 90 Years to less than 95 Years | 40% of revised basic pension/family pension |
From 95 Years to less than 100 years | 50% of revised basic pension/family pension |
100 Years or more | 100% of revised basic pension/family pension |
the amount of additional pension will be shown distinctly in the pension payment order. For example, in cases where a pensioner is more than 80 years of age and his/her revised pension in terms Para 4.1 above is Rs.10,000 pm, the pension will be shown as (i) Basic Pension = Rs.10,000 and (ii) Additional Pension = Rs.2,000 pm. The pension on his/her attaining the age of 85 years will be shown as (i) Basic Pension = 10,000 adn (ii) additional Pension = Rs.3000 pm. Dearness Relief will be admissible on additional pension available to the old pensioners also.
4.6 In cases, where the Govt. Servants have drawn one time lump-sum terminal benefits equal to 100% of their pensions and have become entitled to the restoration of one third commuted portion of pension, their cases will not be covered by these orders. Orders for regulating pension of such pensioners will be issued separately.
4.7 The revised pension/family pension arrived at as per paragraph 4.1 includes dearness relief sanctioned from 1.1.2016
5. Where the revised pension/family pension in terms of paragraph 4.1 above works out to an amount less than Rs.9000/-, the same shall be stepped up to Rs.9000/-. This will be regarded as pension/family pension w.e.f. 01.01.16.
6. PENSIONER EMPLOYED/RE-EMPLOYED: The existing instructions regarding regulation of dearness relief to employed/re-employed pensioners/family pensioners, as contained in Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare O.M.No.45/73/97-P&PW (G) dated 02.07.1999, as amended from time to time, shall continue to apply.
7. CONSTANT ATTENDANT ALLOWANCE: The matter regarding CAA admissible to existing pensioners shall be examined by the Committee constituted by the Gol. For this purpose, till a final decision is taken based on the recommendation of the Committee, constant Attendant Allowance shall be paid at the existing rates.
8. DEARNESS RELIEF: The Pension/family pension as worked out in accordance with provision of Para 4.1 above shall be treated as ‘Basic Pension’ with effect from 01.01.2016. The revised pension/family pension includes dearness relief sanctioned from 1.1.2016 and shall qualify for grant of Dearness Relief sanctioned there after.
9. ARREARS OF PENSION: The arrears of pension/Family pension, as a result of consolidation of pension, will be worked out by PDAs and will be paid to pensioner or credited to their accounts by 31st August 2016 positively.
10. If any overpayment is in the process of recovery, the amount still due for recovery should be adjusted in lump – sum against the arrears payable.
11. PROCEDURE: The Govt. has authorised the Pension Disbursing Authorities including Public Sector Banks to pay the consolidated pension/Family Pension without further aughorization from this office at the revised rates in terms of Para 4.1 and 5 above. Wherever the age of Pensioner/Family Pensioner is available in the PPO, the additional pension/family pension in terms of Para 4.5 above may also be paid by the PDAs without any further authorization from this office. The following points may specially be kept in view while authorizing disbursement under the captioned order:
(a) A Suitable entry regarding the revised pension shall be recorded by the pension Disbursing Authorities on face of Pension Payment Orders.
(b) a suitable entry regarding revised consolidated pension/Family Pension w.e.f 1-1-2016 should also be recorded in the check register/payment Register/Pension Payment scroll.
(c) In every case, where revision is done by PDA’s, intimation to this office in the form given as Annexure-I to this circular will be prepared in triplicate. Two copies thereof will be sent to this office in covers bearing the following address in convenient batch(s):-
SAO, O/IC Audit Section, O/o the Pr.C.D.A. (P), Allahabad – 211 014.
A consolidated soft copy of all such payment in CSV format may be sent in a CD to this office and also be mailed to us in the format attached in Annexure-II on the emailsevenpaycomalbd.dad@hub.nic.in specially created for the purpose.
(d) All cases where such revision is carried out will Change entitlements and other data which must be reflected as such in the Pension Payment Account in a separate schedule/scroll.
12. In cases where the PDAs are in doubt about the entitlement on revision in individual cases or in regulation of minimum pension/revised pension for pensioners in receipt of more than one pension, the cases with full details of pensioner and PPO NO. may be referred to Audit Section of this office for advice and further action on the same address mentioned in para 11(c) or a mail may be sent on the email address given in para 11 (C).
(The copy of this circular is available on the website of this office www.pcdapension.nic.in)
(Dr.Upinderbit Singh)
Annexure – I
Since Jul 2014 I am not paid pension with OR OP nor 7th pension 2016 copy of revision given to me .kindly ensure action of revision of pension .
Dear Sir,
7th CPC has granted GP 4600 for all those who were earlier in the pay scale of Rs.5000-8000, Rs.5500-9000 & Rs.6500-10500 and were in service as on 1.1.2006. This benefit has not been extended to the pensioners who retd. before 1.1.2006.
Pl. let me know why this discrimination and whether this will be rectified.
When will post pensioners get new pension and arrears
Jai hind sb me no 15473652f ld ghanshyam Lal 2016 may me pension aaya tha abhi tak dusra ppo nahi aaya please help me mob no 9587211562
Respected Sir,
I 14811192A Ex Nk Bir Bahadur Mukhia sir when reduce our commut & arrier somebody get totally payments but somebody nor get payment or new PPO also kindly sort out please.
Conf about the basic pay and pension appx to me as per the 7th pay commission.
My JC- 327590M Hony. Sub Maj K Paranidoss , when will get 7th CPC payment arrers?
sir may invalid medical bord out hoa ho mera service year 7 month army rect rank ka ho mera ppo mileage kea
I am a civile defence pensinor i am receiced a new ppo pre 2016 it is unik proforma and detels, i requiest you to some amandment may please be allow in your pension potal like
MOBILE NO, AADHAR NO, MAIL ID,PAN NO ETC In one time and printong in one time.
Thanking you.