7th CPC Recommendations Ex-gratia lump sum compensation CGDA Order
Office of the CGDA, Ulan Batar Road, Palarn, Delhi Cantt-10
Dated: 20/12/2016
The PCDA (P),
Subject: Ex-gratia lump sum compensation – Recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission.
Government of India, Ministry of Defence D(Pay/Services) vide their letter No.20(2)/2016/D(Pay/Services) dated 2nd November,2016 has issued order on the above subject matter. The same has been uploaded on HQrs. Office website viz. www.cgda.nic.in that may please be downloaded and circulated to all concerned with necessary implementation instructions. The copy of the implementation instructions may also be uploaded on your website under intimation to this HQrs. Office.
Jt.CGDA (Pen) has seen
(A.K. Maiviya)
Sr.AO (AT-Pen)
Please provide email address of Department of Pension and Grievances, New Delhi to enable a complaint regarding Bank is not revising Family pension on account of implementation of 7th Pay Commission recommendations.
My email ID is krishandewani@gmail.com.