Ad-hoc Bonus to Central Autonomous Bodies from 2015 – NCJCM letter to Cabinet Secretary
Dated: September 17, 2018
The Cabinet Secretary,
(Government of India),
Cabinet Secretariat,
Rashtrapathi Bhawan Annexe,
New Delhi
Respected Sir,
Sub: Grant of ‘ad-hoc bonus’ for the Central Autonomous Bodies for 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-2018- reg.
Kindly call for our earlier letter of even number dated October 30, 2017(copy enclosed), whereby it was requested, while thanking the government for having implemented VII CPC recommendations in case of staff of the Central Autonomous Bodies, that, their genuine grievance in respect of payment PLB/Ad-hoc bonus to these staff should also be considered .
It would be pertinent to recall that, Finance Ministry used to extend the benefit of PLB/Ad-hoc Bonus to the Central Autonomous Bodies also at par with other Central Government employees till the year 2014-15. Surprisingly, employees of the Central Autonomous Bodies have been deprived of this benefit after the year 2014-15 without assigning any bonafide reason thereto.
Also Read : Railway Bonus 2018 – Meeting with AIRF & NFIR on 7th Aug 2018
It is, therefore, requested that, necessary action may kindly be taken for granting ad-hoc bonus to the Central Autonomous Bodies also on par with the Central Government employees for the years 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-2018, as was being done till the year 2014-15 in the larger interest of justice and parity.
Sincerly yours
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
Secretary (Staff Side)
National Council (JCM)
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