F.No.l0-2 12019-CWP/RR/Asst.Arch.1383
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Engineering Wing)
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi.
Date: 03.09.2019
Sub: Amendment of Recruitment Rule of Assistant Architect.
Objections are invited from all concerned on the proposed amendment in Recruitment Rule in the grade of Assistant Architect earlier notified vide Gazette Notification GSR 1400 dated 3rd November, 1973 in Civil Wing by the then cadre controlling authority i.e. Post & Telegraph Board. Copy of the proposed draft amendment approved by the Secretary (Posts) is attached herewith. Objections shall reach this office within 30 days of the date of publication or latest by 05-10-2019 either in hard copy or by email on cwpnd20l8@gmail.com.
Section Officer(CWP)