BSNL signed MOU with Union Bank of India (UBI) for extending various loan Schemes to BSNL Employees
BSNL is the largest telecom operating company in India having 3.2 Lakhs employees across the country. To benefit its employees, BSNL desire a special loan package for its entire staff strength on All India basis.
BSNL signed memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Union Bank of India on 22nd December 2014. MOU signed with UBI for extending various loan schemes to BSNL employees. This MOU is valid for 12 months till 31st December, 2015. UBI shall give special rate of interest to BSNL employees,
Union Bank of India also has given special concession of 0.25% to BSNL Women Employees for the personal loan.
UBI shall grant the loan to BSNL Employees under the various head as per their requirements and the same are as follows.
1. Housing Loan including repair, renovation, addition , alteration loan & Home Improvement loan.
2. Personal Loan
3. Car / Two wheeler Loan
4. Education Loan
5. Natural Calamity Loan
6. Mortgage Loan
The loan facilities shall be sanctioned by the appropriate authorities of the UBI with all the agreed concessions and relaxations, that the maximum limits for the loan facilities are subject to the income , repaying capacity of employees.