Home7th Pay CommissionDOPT inviting comments on the definition of "Operational Staff" which would be eligible for Overtime Allowance

DOPT inviting comments on the definition of “Operational Staff” which would be eligible for Overtime Allowance

DOPT inviting comments on the definition of “Operational Staff” which would be eligible for Overtime Allowance

No.A-27016/ 01/ 2017-Estt. (AL)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

Block-IV, Old JNU Campus,
New Delhi – 110067,
Dated: 16th November, 2017.

Office Memorandum

Subject : Inviting comments on the definition of “Operational Staff” which would be eligible for Overtime Allowance

As per the Dept. of Expenditure’s Resolution No. 11-1/2016-IC dated 06.07.2017, following is the decision of Government on Overtime Allowance (OTA): “Ministries/Departments to prepare a list of those staff coming under the category of ‘Operational Staff’. Rates of Overtime Allowance not be revised upwards”.

Further it has been clarified by the Dept. of Expenditure that the Government has decided that given the rise in the pay over the years, the recommendations of the 7th CPC to discontinue OTA for categories other than Operational Staff and industrial employees who are governed by statutory provisions may be accepted.

2. Accordingly, it has been decided to implement the aforesaid decision of the Government on Overtime Allowance across all the Ministries/Departments and attached and subordinate office of the Government of India.

3. However, this Department has been receiving queries from various Deptts. as to which staff would be covered under the term “Operational”. Thus it appears that there is a lack of clarity as to what constitutes Operational Staff. In pursuance of decision taken on the recommendations of the 7th CPC relating to OTA, a broad definition has been attempted in order to assist in identification of operational Staff. Definition: “All non-ministerial non-gazetted staff directly involved in smooth operation of the office including those tasked with operation of some electrical or mechanical equipment.”

4. Inputs and suggestions are requested from all Ministries/Departments taking into account the specific peculiar requirements of staff under each of them keeping in view the content of work being performed by them. The inputs /suggestions may be kindly sent to the undersigned on mail id: sandeep.saxena@nic.inwithin 15 days of the issue of this O.M.

(Sandeep Saxena)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

Signed Copy



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