I retired from Parsar Bharati All India Radio New Delhi on dated 30.04.2015 in the post of Assistant Engineer held with effect from 31.08.1989 continuously till retirement (30-04.2015 ) having been passed a period of more than 26 years of service in one post of Assistant Engineer. I had joined department on dated 11.04.1980 as Engineering Assistant in the pay scale of Rs. 550-900. The department has fixed my basic pay to Rs. 23140 in the pay scale of Rs. 9300-34800, Pay Band-2, Grade Pay Rs. 5400 as on dated 01.01.2006 due to grant of non-functional scale (NFS) and removed MACP-II and MACP-III after my retirement, which was granted in scale of Rs. 9300-34800, Pay Band-2, Grade Pay Rs. 5400 with effect from 31.08.2008 and subsequently MACP-III which granted in the pay scale of Rs. 15600-39100, Pay Band -III, Grade Pay Rs. 5400 with effect from o1.08.2009 . As I am getting less pension which based on Grade Pay Rs. 4800, Pay Band-2, Scale Rs. 9300-34800 and even got less pensionary benefits on retirement as per Grade Pay Rs. 4800, PB-2, sCALE rS. 9300-34800. It may not be out of place to mention that some of my colleagues who similarly placed to me in poast, cadre, pay scale, have got benefits of pensionary benefits along-with grant of MACP-II and MACP-III. I would be kind enough to you, if kindly let me know the pay fixation correct in my case after examining my case throughly. Thanking you,
sir i want information regarding admissibility of Transport allowance on pro-rata basis during child care leave., whenever women employees CCL period falls in two or three different months.
and also information regarding admissibility of risk allowance on pro-rata basis to trackmaintainers in indian railways whenever their leave/sick/training period falls in two or three calender months.
Sir, I shaik abdul subhan retired on 30.06.2014 (Central Excise & Customs). I am not got that year increment. according to Madras High court judjment, can i get notional increment for the year 2014. Please clarify.
I retired on 31/8/1993.,as subedar clerk group B. I get arrear of basic pay from 1/1/2006 to 24/7/2012 . now a day on social media a news viral that arrear from 1/1/2006 to till date is ordered by supreme court. Please clarify
Children Education Allowance was restricted to 22 years of age for Mentally or other type of disability for government employee and like child care leave the restriction of age criteria for disabled child i.e. 22 years was removed vide OM No. 13018/6/2013-Estt(L) dated 22.6.2018, My question is same should be applicable in Children Education Allowance because after completion of 22 years of age child he/she can not become independent and process of education does not stop and learning in special school is still continue, so parents of disabled child should get the Children Education Allowance till the retirement of govt. employee and age criteria is to be removed. I want clarify this question to administration .
I am a central government employee, working as library and information assistant from October 2010. There is no higher post there that is excadre post, no promotion. Will retired from same post. Even not forwarding my applications in other organisation on deputation on higher grade. Me Mentally disturb. Plz suggest me how reach higher authority so that office May get pressure from higher authorities. Or is there any rule regarding pay increase . Even not merging me other cadre for promotion as earlier they do for telephone operators. Plz help
An employee working as senior Assistant has been grant the benefit of NFSG in the Grade pay of Rs. 4200/- w.e.f. 1/7/15 and he has completed 20 years of regular services on 31/12/17 or 10 years in the same post. MACP benefits can be granted to him. Kindly provide the Rule.
I have joined as a LDC on 13.8.1997. I have got my 1st MACP 2007 and got promotion during 2012 as a UDC. please clarify when will I eligible for 2nd MACP?
I joined in dop as postman on 7-2-1998 after that tekan promotion as postal asstt. in 5-12-2005 by internal dept. Exam and my pay scale upgrade from 2000 to 2400. Now in 2015 given me macp 1st. But as per dept. this is second macp. Is right or wrong. As per promotional hierarchy 1st macp 7-2-18.
I working in icar dgr junagadh gujarat i get 1st.5th pay than after 6th pay but 7th pay are not giving me i am daily paid casual driver 7th pay should not get ? Plz.reppy me
I was retired in 56 (j) 6/1/2017 my superannuation is 30/4/2018. I was retire in on going penalty and my penalty is finished on 30/12/2017 on which date my pension is revised. I was working in dopt.
when released dopt order as following matter.
1) MACP implementation w.e.f 1-1-2006, as per supreme court & mumbai highcourt judgement.
2) HRA & allowance in 7 CPC
government Employees wait as long time, its too late.
I am st candent in LDC exemation no body candent in sc candent in this case elegance st candent are shore this post
I retired from Parsar Bharati All India Radio New Delhi on dated 30.04.2015 in the post of Assistant Engineer held with effect from 31.08.1989 continuously till retirement (30-04.2015 ) having been passed a period of more than 26 years of service in one post of Assistant Engineer. I had joined department on dated 11.04.1980 as Engineering Assistant in the pay scale of Rs. 550-900. The department has fixed my basic pay to Rs. 23140 in the pay scale of Rs. 9300-34800, Pay Band-2, Grade Pay Rs. 5400 as on dated 01.01.2006 due to grant of non-functional scale (NFS) and removed MACP-II and MACP-III after my retirement, which was granted in scale of Rs. 9300-34800, Pay Band-2, Grade Pay Rs. 5400 with effect from 31.08.2008 and subsequently MACP-III which granted in the pay scale of Rs. 15600-39100, Pay Band -III, Grade Pay Rs. 5400 with effect from o1.08.2009 . As I am getting less pension which based on Grade Pay Rs. 4800, Pay Band-2, Scale Rs. 9300-34800 and even got less pensionary benefits on retirement as per Grade Pay Rs. 4800, PB-2, sCALE rS. 9300-34800. It may not be out of place to mention that some of my colleagues who similarly placed to me in poast, cadre, pay scale, have got benefits of pensionary benefits along-with grant of MACP-II and MACP-III. I would be kind enough to you, if kindly let me know the pay fixation correct in my case after examining my case throughly. Thanking you,
sir i want information regarding admissibility of Transport allowance on pro-rata basis during child care leave., whenever women employees CCL period falls in two or three different months.
and also information regarding admissibility of risk allowance on pro-rata basis to trackmaintainers in indian railways whenever their leave/sick/training period falls in two or three calender months.
Sir, I shaik abdul subhan retired on 30.06.2014 (Central Excise & Customs). I am not got that year increment. according to Madras High court judjment, can i get notional increment for the year 2014. Please clarify.
I retired on 31/8/1993.,as subedar clerk group B. I get arrear of basic pay from 1/1/2006 to 24/7/2012 . now a day on social media a news viral that arrear from 1/1/2006 to till date is ordered by supreme court. Please clarify
Children Education Allowance was restricted to 22 years of age for Mentally or other type of disability for government employee and like child care leave the restriction of age criteria for disabled child i.e. 22 years was removed vide OM No. 13018/6/2013-Estt(L) dated 22.6.2018, My question is same should be applicable in Children Education Allowance because after completion of 22 years of age child he/she can not become independent and process of education does not stop and learning in special school is still continue, so parents of disabled child should get the Children Education Allowance till the retirement of govt. employee and age criteria is to be removed. I want clarify this question to administration .
Salary of govt employee is included in Income or not.
I am a central government employee, working as library and information assistant from October 2010. There is no higher post there that is excadre post, no promotion. Will retired from same post. Even not forwarding my applications in other organisation on deputation on higher grade. Me Mentally disturb. Plz suggest me how reach higher authority so that office May get pressure from higher authorities. Or is there any rule regarding pay increase . Even not merging me other cadre for promotion as earlier they do for telephone operators. Plz help
An employee working as senior Assistant has been grant the benefit of NFSG in the Grade pay of Rs. 4200/- w.e.f. 1/7/15 and he has completed 20 years of regular services on 31/12/17 or 10 years in the same post. MACP benefits can be granted to him. Kindly provide the Rule.
I have joined as a LDC on 13.8.1997. I have got my 1st MACP 2007 and got promotion during 2012 as a UDC. please clarify when will I eligible for 2nd MACP?
status of Furlough Leave in 7 cpc in army
I joined in dop as postman on 7-2-1998 after that tekan promotion as postal asstt. in 5-12-2005 by internal dept. Exam and my pay scale upgrade from 2000 to 2400. Now in 2015 given me macp 1st. But as per dept. this is second macp. Is right or wrong. As per promotional hierarchy 1st macp 7-2-18.
I working in icar dgr junagadh gujarat i get 1st.5th pay than after 6th pay but 7th pay are not giving me i am daily paid casual driver 7th pay should not get ? Plz.reppy me
I was retired in 56 (j) 6/1/2017 my superannuation is 30/4/2018. I was retire in on going penalty and my penalty is finished on 30/12/2017 on which date my pension is revised. I was working in dopt.