No.8/5/2020-CS-I (T) (pt-1)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated 8th April, 2020
Subject : Postponement of the mandatory training programmes of CSS officers scheduled between April to June, 2020.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. No 8/5/2020-CS-I (T) dated 11 3,2020 nominating 50 Under Secretaries for Level ‘E’ training programme to be held from 13th April to 22nd May, 2020
2. The aforesaid training programme for which nominations have already been made and other training programmes which were scheduled to be held in the month of April, 2020 in respect of CCS officers have been postponed, as intimated by the Institute of Secretariat Training and Management (ISTM) in view of the prevailing situation consequent upon the outbreak of COVID-19 virus. The details of the training programmes for CSS officers, thus postponed are given below:
SI. No. | Name of the Programme | Commencing from | Duration |
1 | CSS- 63rd Level-E Trg. Prog. | 13th April, 2020 | 06 weeks |
2 | CSS- 95th Level-D Trg. Prog. | 07th April, 2020 | 12 weeks |
3 | CSS- 92nd Level-A Trg. Prog. | 13th April, 2020 | 04 weeks |
4 | CSS- 91st Level-B Trg. Prog | 13th April, 2020 | 05 weeks |
3. Fresh dates for the schedules of the aforesaid training programmes will be communicated later. In this respect the website of this Department at and the ISTM at may be checked from time to time for updates.
(P. Bairagi Sahu)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India