Foreign Training Programme for Group ‘A’ officers of CVC and CVOs
No. 399/5/2016-AVD-III
Government of India
Department of Personnel and Training
AVD-III Section
North Block, New Delhi
Dated 8 August, 2016
Office Memorandum
Subject: Foreign Training Programme for Group ‘A’ officers of CVC and CVOs — regarding cooling off period.
The undersigned in directed to say that the Training Policy of the Central Vigilance (CVC) is under consideration in this Department. The said policy also has a Training component under which the para 8 of the policy specifies the following criteria that may be adopted while nominating officers of CVC for short-term programmes so that opportunities are available to officers on an equitable basis.
(i) Eligibility: All group ‘A’ officers in the Commission.
(ii) Officers who have undergone short-term training under DFFT scheme during their tenure in the Commission would not be eligible for consideration under this scheme for a period of two years while working in the Commission.
(iii) Similarly, candidature of officers would not be forwarded for short-term training ‘under DFFT scheme if they had undergone short-term training abroad (other than under DFFT scheme) within a period of two years of their tenure in the Commission.
2. In addition to this, there is also provision for Foreign Training for CVOs in Paras 15-17 of the Policy. It is proposed to add the following as Para 18 in the Policy:
The officers (CVOs) should not have undergone any foreign training under DFFT in the last 2 years as on 1 st April of the year in which training is being organized.”
3. It is requested that comments on the above, if any, may please be sent to the undersigned within a week.
(Sarita Nair)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India