HomeGeneralIntroducing the Forums on igecorner.com

Introducing the Forums on igecorner.com

We feel igecorner.com reached a certain level to Central Government Employees, day by day we are getting new visitors to our site along with regular visitors. Also lot of comments and questions in our posts, but all of them not gets proper answer. So to solve that, we are happy to introduce forums in our website.

Yes, we have launched igecorner.com/forums. We would like to inform you that our forum is up and ready, please check igecorner.com/forums

Henceforth, post your question’s in the forum and one of the long-time members will be happy to help you out. We expect more interaction, more stories and more experiences.

When you first enter the forum, you’ll come in as a Guest. Once you’re ready to reply to topics or to post your own you can register. Registering allows you to choose your own username, upload a user image, and add friends and subscribe to discussion topics that interest you. And your registration is good on every forum here on igecorner.com/forums.

Lets chat in the forum …………….

– igecorner Team

Click here for igecorner forum



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