JCM Staff Side demands to raise the ceiling limit
National Council (Staff Side)
Joint Consultative Machinery for Central Government Employees
13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi – 110001
E-mail : nc.jcm.np@gmail.com
Shiva Gopal Mishra
No.NC-JCM-2016/Fin. (Bonus)
October 18, 2016
The Secretary,
Govt of India
Ministry of Finance,
Department of Expenditure,
North Block,
New Delhi – 110001
Subject: Grant of PLB & Non-PLB adhoc Bonus to CGE for the year 2014-15 & 2015-16 – Reg.
Reference: OM No7/24/2007-E-II (A) dated 3.10.2016
Dear Sir,
We invite your kind reference to the above cited letter granting Non PLB to Central Govt employees & casual/ contingent workers. Similar orders have also been issued for the personnel in Railways, Defence and Postal Establishments etc where PLB is applicable.
While in the case of regular employees – both PLB & Non-PLB – the calculation ceiling for payment of Bonus was raised to Rs. 7000/- for the years 2014/15 & 2015-16. In the case of Casual Labourers and casual labourers with temporary status, the said ceiling continues to be pegged down at Rs. 1,200/-. It may kindly be noted that the said ceiling of Rs 1,200/- in the case of Casual Workers and casual workers with temporary status was determined in the year 1999 when the ceiling for regular employees was Rs 2500/-
In the case of regular employees the said ceiling was raised to Rs. 3,500/- in the year 2006 and again to Rs. 7,000/- in 2016 (retrospectively from 2014-15) whereas for casual workers and casual workers with temporary status it remained at Rs. 1,200/- all along since 1999-2000. The emoluments of Casual Workers and Casual workers with temporary status is now proportionate to the wages of regular employees.
We request you to kindly get the matter examined and explore the possibilities of raising the ceiling limit to Rs. 7000/- for casual workers and casual workers with temporary status on par with the regular employees.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)