HomeDOPT OrdersMACPS - Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme for the central Government civilian employees - Clarification regarding

MACPS – Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme for the central Government civilian employees – Clarification regarding

MACPS – Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme for the central Government civilian employees – Clarification regarding

No.35034/3/2010-Estt (D)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel 8 Training)

North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 3rd August. 2010


Subject: Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme for the central Government civilian employees – Clarification regarding.


The undersigned is directed to invite reference to the Department of Personnel & Training (DOP&T)’s Office Memorandum of even number dated the 19th May, 2009 on thee subject cited above. Consequent upon introduction of the Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS), in view of para 14 of the Annexure-l of the Scheme, a number of proposals/references seeking extension of the Scheme to Central Autonomous/Statutory Bodies under various Ministries/Departments have been received by the Department of Expenditure. The Department of Expenditure has felt that keeping the large number of Central
Autonomous/Statutory Bodies in view, it would be appropriate to delegate the power the approving such proposals to the administrative Ministries/Departments concerned. The Department of Expenditure has accordingly approved for extending the benefits of the MACPS to the Central Autonomous/Statutory Bodies under various Ministries/Departments subject to them satisfying the following four conditions:

(i) The earlier ACP Scheme was also implemented/adopted by the said Autonomous/Statutory Body.

(ii) The proposal to adopt MACP Scheme has been approved by the Governing Body/Board of Directors.

(iii) The Administrative Ministry/Financial Adviser of the Ministry has concurred with the proposal.

(iv) The financial implications of adoption of MACP Scheme have been taken into account by the Organisation/Body and the additional financial implications can be met by it within the existing Budget Grants.

2. As per the revised arrangement, the proposal shall be processed by the Financial Advisor concerned in the first instance and subject to it meeting the requirements spelt out at (i). (ii) and (iv) above, he would obtain the orders of the administrative Head/Secretary concerned for approving the extension of MACPS to such a body.

3. Above is brought to the notice of all concerned Ministry/Department in continuation of para 14 of Annexure-1 of MACPS dated 19.05.2009.

4. Hindi version will follow.

(A.K. Srivasatava)
Under Secretary to the Government of lndia

Signed Copy



  1. A group c employee having completed his 30 yeats of service,was eligible for 3 rd. Financial Upgration under MACP w.e.f 07/10/2016 but due to ‘good’ grading in ACR of 2013-14 ( very good in bot 2014-15 & 2015-16) he has not been given MACP.

    MY question::- if his ACR of 2016-17 comes with ‘ very good’ grading then on what is the latest date from which he will be entitled to MACP ?

    Banerjee P. K

  2. Respected Sir,

    I have joined in service on 13/01/1983 (at the post of Labour/ Unskilled) Ordnance Factory Depots. Promoted as Lab/SS in 03/09/1994.On Service Re-designation Fitter Ref. /SS from 17/01/2002.Promoted as Fitter Ref. /SK on 28/01/2005. Even after 24 years of my regular service I have not been given any ACP. From 23/07/2008 (Fitter Ref. /HS) after my Service Promotion I was given pay band 5200-20200 with Grade Pay 2400 /-.As Per 6th CPC Recommendation.

    On Date 23/07/2008 (Fitter Ref. /HS-II). Re-designation From HS To HS-II Due to cadre restructure and there in no financial benefit given pay band 5200-20200 + Grade Pay 2400 /-.

    Up To date My Service 25 Years Completed. Got the 2 nd MACP VI CPC: On 01/09/2008. The grade pay displayed was G .S.AKARE Fitter Ref/HS-II /4737/14/DP pay band 5200-20200+ grade pay 2800 /-.

    After 29 years of service period, the employee has not been given his 1st MACP- MACP under COS (RP) Rules -2008.

    I need clarification regarding MACP rules; that even after 29 Years of my regular service period I got only 2 Grade pay 1900 & 2400. Now the department is giving my revised payment on 2800 grade pay base, my question is for 4200 & 4600 grade pay. Which grade scale should be given to the particular employee for his 29 years of service period under MACP rules 1/9/2008.
    Kindly reply soon either here on your website or on email id –
    Thnk you

  3. I completed 10 years in PB 6600 in 2010,& as such entitled for upgradation to PB of 7600but the reqiuiste benchmark 0f very good preceding 5 years are not there,as the rule came on 1st sept.2008.I have two good and three very goods.is there any way out that I get my MACP wef jully 2010.Please guide.

  4. I joined the Indian Railway in Sept.1982 as a skilled craftsman.(class III ) and my promotion in Sept. 1992 as a High skilled craftsman. there after my second promotion in Oct.2004 as a High skilled I. Now my grade pay is 2800 am I eligible for MACP.

  5. 1. Does the Steering Committee adhere to the DPC year (FY) or the calendar year when deciding on the eligibility of a person for MACPS? Pl clarify.
    2. Where a person is not considered eligible for MACPs and promotion in a given DPC year say 2012-13 but becomes eligible for promotion in DPC year 2013-14 can the Steering Committee deny MACPS from April 2013 till the person pick up his rank in a regular post say in July 2013?
    3. What is the bench mark and criteria adopted for recommending a person for the MACPS?
    4. If a person got his first promotion in 1985 ( Ist 10th year) and thereafter an insitu promotion in 2000 , should not the 2nd 10the year /20th year not be counted from 1995 on wards and benefit of up gradation be granted from 1995?

  6. I joined the office in 1990 as a LDC and promoted to UDC in the year 1996. In 2010 I got ACP with the scale of 5200 (Scale of 6th Pay Commission) and Grade pay of 2800.Please let me know that after 1996, I am eligible for one ACP or two till date as I have been given only one ACP i.e. from Grade pay 2400 to 2800 only. My pay scale has not been changed. Kindly clarify as per the guidelines of MACP.

  7. I joined my office as a stenographer in 1997. IN 2010 I got ACP with the scale of 5200 and grade pay of 2800. Please let me know whether the ACP given to me is correct.

  8. Sir I have been appointed on 17/8/1995 as LDC and on completion of my 12 years of service I have not been allowed any ACP by my deptt. stating that I am on ad hoc basis, but the ad hoc was also cleared by my Head of Deptt. and I have still not allowed any ACP/MACO. Please clarify as to whether I am eligible for grant of ACP as per earlier rules or have been eligible for MACP? beacause as per existing rule I will only be granted Rs.100/- in this way I will get GP @ Rs.2000/- only. Please clarify whether I may have option to choose the MACP through earlier rules?

  9. I am joined as UDC in year 1999, and got MACP in year 2009. In year 2011 I have passed departmental examination for the post of Assistant. At the time MACP given, my pay was fixed in PBI corresponding to the next grade pay of Rs. 2800. Due to the deifferent pay pand of new post I have been refixed corresponding to the grade pay of Rs. 4600/-. In September I have been again promoted as Asst. Personnel Officer, due to passing of departmental examination, Now my present department informed that the fixation to the post of Assistant was made by my parent department is wrong, they intimate that only the diffrence of grade pay should be given to me and further pay fixation corresponding to the post of Assistant. It is therefore requested to pl. clarify whether I am eligible for pay fixation in the post of Assistant or not.

  10. Sir

    I was appointed in Dec 1987 (KVS, M/o HRD, Govt of India) (Shifted to Autonomous organisation under M/o MSME, Govt of India in the year Dec 1989, through proper channel) in the scale of 1400-40- and got the promotion in the year Oct 2001 in the pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 (Group B post). I will be completing 23 years by Dec 2010, So far I have not got any ACP/MACP except one promotion in Oct 2001. Now I am in the Grade pay of Rs 4200/-. When I will get ACP/MACP and scale of Pay after up gradation. As per Government decision that employees are permitted to revise their initial option up to 31.12.2010, If I get ACP/MACP, can I avail the revised option, so that I can get pay scale 9300 with Grade Pay of Rs 5400/-. Pl reply.

    N. Murali Kishore

  11. 1. I joined ICAR services on 21.6.1975 I was promoted to UDC trough limited departmental exam during 1983 and thereafter promoted to Asstt. on 27.4.1993. I refused promotion as AAO offered to me during Sept. 2005(i.e. after 3 months of completion of 30 years of service). I had completed 30 year of service on 21.6.2005 and 10 year of service as Asstt. on 27.4.2003. As per para 25 of MACP kindly advice whether I am eligible for 3rd financial up gradation on 27.4.1993 (i.e. 1.9.2008 date of implementation of macp) as my office has not granted me 3rd financial up gradation with the view that I had refused promotion offered to me during sept., 2005 whereas I had been stagnated to the post of Asstt. on 27.4.2003.

  12. 1. My 1st appointment in Railways in March-92 as Tech.
    2. Promoted after passing 25%LDCE as JE-II in Sept-98
    3. GP-4200 granted wef.Sept-98
    4. 10 years completed in same GP in Sept-2008
    5. But in continuation of my regular service my without
    break promotional training of 78 weeks not counted
    for MACP

  13. Sir,I’m S.C. Mukherjee working in Institute of Forest Productivity, Ranchi.I’m an UDC. I got ACP on 2-2-2007 in the scale of 5000-150-8000 from 4000-100-6000. Earlier my organization fixed my pay on 5200-20000 and gr. pay 2800, after submission of my representation my pay fixation has been changed and I have been given 9300-34800 and G.P. 4200. since I’ve given option in MACP Notification No. 6.1(b), they have deducted my arrear w.e.f. 1-1-2006 to 1-2-2007.Presently my pay has been fixed on 1-7-2009 Rs.10,730 + G.P. 4200, whether it is correct or not. I’ve not got any arrear w.e.f. 1-1-2006 to 1-2-2007. please inform me to my email no.


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