Home7th Pay CommissionNFPE : Consideration of “Good” benchmark as “Very Good” for grant of financial upgradation under MACP before 25.07.2016

NFPE : Consideration of “Good” benchmark as “Very Good” for grant of financial upgradation under MACP before 25.07.2016

NFPE : Consideration of “Good” benchmark as “Very Good” for grant of financial upgradation under MACP before 25.07.2016

National Federation of Postal Employees
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
Phone: 011.23092771
e-mail: nfpehq@gmail.com
Mob: 9868819295/9810853981
website: http://www.nfpe.blogspot.com

No. PF-31(MACP/2018

Date: 06 March 2018

The Secretary (P)
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan,
New Delhi – 110001

Sub: – Consideration of “Good” benchmark as “Very Good” for grant of financial upgradation under MACP before 25.07.2016.


As you are aware that based on recommendations of the 7th CPC, the benchmark for grant of MACPs has been enhanced from “Good” to “Very Good” w.e.f. 25.07.2016. For grant of MACP, 3 years APARs are taken in to consideration. This step has debarred so many officials from the financial upgradation.

Since the earlier “Good” benchmark was applicable up to 25.07.2016, the employees having “Good” grading in their APARs for the previous three years have no reason to be debarred. There is every justification to consider the employees having “Good” benchmark for the previous three years i.e. 2014-15, 2015-16 & 2016-17 for financial upgradation under MACP.

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It is therefore requested to kindly cause suitable instruction in this regard so that the eligible officials may get financial upgradation who have been debarred because of enhancement of benchmark w.e.f 25.07.2016.

A positive and early action is highly solicited.

With regards,

Yours faithfully,

(R. N. Parashar)
Secretary General

Source : NFPE



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