Railway Board clarification on deletion of name of daughter from the family details of a Railway pensioner
RBE No.09/2025
New Delhi, dated: 30.01.2025.
The General Managers/Principal Financial Advisors,
All Zonal Railways/Production Units etc,
DGs of RDSO and NAIR.
Subject:- Clarification on deletion of name of daughter from the family details of a Railway pensioner.
As per Rule 75(15) of Railway Services(Pension) Rules, 1993 and instructions issued thereunder, as soon as a railway servant enters railway service, he shall furnish details of his family in Form 6 to the Head of Office and if the railway servant has no family, he shall furnish the details in Form 6 as soon as he acquires a family. This rule further provides that the railway servant shall communicate forthwith to the Head of Office any subsequent change in the size of his family including the fact of marriage of his or her child. The Railway servant is also required to submit updated family details in ‘Form 6’ at the time of retirement.
2. In this regard it is stated that the railway servant/pensioner shall submit details of all members of family whether or not eligible for family pension. The daughter is deemed to be a member of the family of railway servant as and when intimated by the railway servant in the prescribed proforma, Hence, the name of the daughter shall remain included in the details of family members. The eligibility for family pension would be decided after demise of pensioner/family pensioners in accordance with the existing rules.
3. Please acknowledge receipt.
(G. Priya Sudarsani)
Director, Finance (Estt.),
Railway Board.
New Delhi, Dated: ,30.01.2025
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