HomeCGERailway Board Clarification: TA/DA arrears payable after rate revision

Railway Board Clarification: TA/DA arrears payable after rate revision

Railway Board Clarification: TA/DA Arrears Payable After Rate Revision (This is concise and clear)


RBE No. 07/2025
New Delhi, dated 27.01.2025

No. F(E)I12024/A1-28/34

The General Managers/Principal Financial Advisers,
All Zonal Railways & Production Units etc,
DGs of RDSO and NAIR.

Sub : Payment of difference/arrears of TA/DA arising out of enhancement of rate by 25% upon revision of DA to 50% w.e.f. 01.01.2024 – clarification – reg.

Consequent to revision of rates of Dearness Allowance to 50% vide Board’s letter No. PC-VII/2016/1/7/2/1, dated 15.03.2024, the instructions regarding revision of the rates of various allowances, including Daily Allowance (TA/DA) by 25% were issued vide Board’s letter of even number dated 05.06.2024. Para 3 of this letter provides that the revised rates of these allowances shall be applicable w.e.f. 01st January, 2024.

2. However, a doubt has been raised by some Railways regarding admissibility of claims for payment of difference of TA/DA, where TA/DA had been paid at old rates in respect of official tours made on or after 01.01.2024, consequent to increase in the rates of TA/DA by 25% w.e.f. 01.01.2024.

3. The matter has been examined in Board’s office and it is clarified that as per para-3 of Board’s above-mentioned letter dated 05.06.2024, the revised rates of TA/DA shall be applicable w.e.f. 01.01.2024. Therefore, any payment of difference/arrears arising out of this retrospective revision of rates of TA/DA will also be payable.

4. This also disposes of Central Railway’s letter No. AC/ENG/IPAS/Nodal/TA Arr/2024 dated 19.11.2024 and Southern Railway’s letter No. P.508/EG/Arrears of TA/DA 50%, dated 23.08.2024.

Hindi version will follow.

(Sanjay Prashar)
Jt Director, Finance (Estt)
Railway Board.

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