Social Security Benefits for GDS – Implementation of recommendations of one-man committee
No. 17-31/2016-GDS
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Establishment Division
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi – 110001.
Dated: the 27th June, 2018
Office Memorandum
Subject: Implementation of recommendations of one-man committee on Social Security Benefits for Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS).
The undersigned is directed to convey the approval of the Competent Authority on recommendations of one-man Committee on Social Security Benefits for Gramln Dak Sevaks (GDSs).
2. The nomenclature oF Ex-gratia gratuity is revised as “GDS Gratuity”. The Ex-gratia Gratuity, Severance Amount and SDBS contribution shall be revised as following:
Sl No | Scheme | Existing Benefits | Revised Benefits |
1 | GDS Gratuity (erstwhile Ex-gratia Gratuity) |
Granted at the rate of half month’s basic TRCA drawn immediately before discharge of service, for each completed year of service subject to a maximum of ₹ 60,000/- or 16.5 times basic TRCA last drawn, whichever is less. Minimum service prescribed for eligibility of Ex-gratia gratuity is 10 years. |
The nomenclature of Gratu ity is changed Gratuity’ Ex-gratia as ‘GDs Contlnuation of the existing formula for grant of GDS Gratuity (earlier Ex-gratia Gratuity) subject to a maximum of Rupees one lakh fifty thousand (₹ 1,50,000)/- |
2 | Severance Amount | Severance Amount shall be paid at the rate of ₹ 1,500 for every completed year of service subject to a maximum of ₹ 60,000, provided, a GDS has completed 10 years of continuous service. | The Severance Amount shall be paid at the rate of ₹ 4,000/- for every completed year of service from 01.01.2016.Maximum ceiling on Severa nce Amount shall be Rupees one lakh fifty thousand (₹ 1,50,000/-). Severance Amount would be applicable only in case of those GDSS who have opted to remain wlth Severance Amount and have not shlfted to service Dlscharge Benefit Scheme (SDBS), and have completed 10 years of continuous service |
3 | Service Dlscharge Benefit Scheme (SDBS) |
The rate of monthly contribution to SDBS is ₹ 200/- for both sides i.e. Department’s contribution and the GDS | The monthly contribution to SDBS shall be ₹ 300/- for both sides i.e. Department’s contribution and the GDS |
3. All other existing eligibility conditions for the aforesaid schemes have undergone no change and wlll be appllcable to all GDSs.
Also Read : Maternity Leave for the Female GDS in the Department of Posts
4. This oM wlll take effect from 01.07.2018.
5. This issues in consultation with Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure vide their ID Note No, 3(1)/E-V/2018 dated 05.04.2018
(S. V. Rao)
Director ( Estt. )