Standing Committee Meeting Latest Status – National Council (Staff Side) Letters
Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT) released the office memorandum for the Minutes of Standing Committee Meeting on July 8, 2019, which was held on March 7, 2019.
Now, National Council (Staff Side) – NCJCM, Secretary, Shri Shiva Gopal Mishra writes letter to the various departments to check the latest status / implementation for various points discussed in the Standing Committee Meeting which is held on March 7, 2019
NCJCM sent around 11 letters to various departments on September 26, 2019, mainly Restoration of Festival Advance, Revision of the benefit of Deposit Linked Insurance coverage from GPF and more.
Here are the links for the various letters sent by the National Council (Staff Side) – NCJCM
Item No | Letter Sent to | Subject | Letter Link |
1 | The Secretary, DOPT | Policy formulation for direct appointment of Trained Trade Apprentices of Central Government Industrial Establishments like Railways, Defence etc., as per the amended provisions of Section -22 of Apprentice Act,1961. | Click here |
3 | The Secretary, DoPPW | Revision of the benefit of Deposit Linked Insurance coverage from GPF | Click here |
7 | The Secretary, DoPPW | Extension of GPF facility to the NPS Governed Employees on optional basis | Click here |
8 | The Additional Secretary (Pers), Ministry of Finance | Correlation of the hourly rates of Industrial workers of Ordnance Factories based on 6th CPC Pay scale w.e.f. 1-1-2006 | Click here |
10 | The Additional Secretary (Pers), Ministry of Finance | Restoration of Festival Advance to the Central Government Employees | Click here |
11 | The Secretary, DOPT | Remove the arbitrary ceiling on Compassionate Appointments | Click here |
14 | The Additional Secretary (Pers), Ministry of Finance | Reduction of one day Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) to the employees of OFB & DGQA under Department of Defence Production against the Cabinet decision and Government Orders | Click here |
15 | The Secretary, DOPT | Grant of one time relaxation to the Central Govt. Employees who have availed LTC-80 and travelled by air by purchasing ticket from authorities other than authorized agents | Click here |
16 | The Additional Secretary (Pers), Ministry of Finance | Grand of House Rent Allowance to the employees who have vacated Government Quarters | Click here |
19 | The Secretary, DOPT | Grant of 3rd MACP in GP Rs.4600 to the Master Craftsmen (MCM) of Defence Ministry, who holding the post of MCM in the Pre-revised pay scale of Rs.4500-7000 as on 31.12.2005 | Click here |
26 | The Secretary, DOPT | Removal of ambiguity in fixation of pay of re-employed ex-servicemen and grant of the same benefit extended to commissioned officers who are below officers rank | Click here |
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what happened of resolving anomalies in pensioners concord table because of which pensioner retired from higher post with higher payband and grade pay getting less pension than pensioner retired from lower post with lower pay band and lower grade pay example regarding 8000-275-13500 person retied getting higher pension than persion retired from pay scale 10000-325-15200 grate in justice . Higher scale retiree getting pension 40450 and whereas 8000-275-13500 getting 41300 penson i.e. 24640+6600 grade pay =31240 in 10000-325-15200 pay scale revised pension as per concord table is 40450 and wheras as per concord table whose total of basic and grade pay is 31210 is getting pension as 41300
retired in pay scale of 8000 -25-13500 when it will be resolved ?
Why DA/DR due from 1st July, 2019 have not been issued till now? GOI should issue orders to this effect now without further delay