ROPA 2019 Salary Calculator for West Bengal Government Employees

ROPA 2019 Salary Calculator for West Bengal Government Employees

West Bengal ROPA 2019 Salary Calculator
Select Pay Band & Grade Pay
Basic Pay as on 1.1.2016 (Including GP)
West Bengal ROPA 2019 Result
Revised Basic Pay from 2016
1st Increment in 2017
2nd Increment in 2018
3rd Increment in 2019
4th Increment in 2020

Disclaimer : We have provided best result in the calculator, this calculator only for reference purpose. We do not guarantee for 100% accuracy in the result, always check the WB ROPA 2019 PDF for more details. Add your comments in any mismatch.

West Bengal ROPA 2019 Pre 2016 Pension Calculator


  1. Respected All ,This is for your kind Information that my Salary Pay Since 2011 not proper way as per Govt.Scale.My Pending Salary pay Since 2012 July to 15th August 2012 not delivered in my Salary Account.Salary Account No.SBI Account No.31021046702,Branch Raghunathpur,Purulia.
    Also without any Govt.Order through Finance Department my Increments stop without any Govt.Financial Order Since July 2011.Also my MCAS not delivered (8years &16Years)now it is 15 years now pending .So,my salary pay not upgrade after Ripa 2019 due to pending pay not disburse through generated systems I already inform through official process,but higher authority delay longer periods without any justice.
    For this reason it is financial corruption through generated systems.
    So,I pray look it and verify it and save my family members from financial pain.
    With Regards,
    Joyatpal Mukherjee
    Employee No.2006003589
    Under TETSD,W.B.

  2. Respected All,With due respect,I infrom you that my B.P.10340/+G.P.3900/stand since July 2012,also no Increments received since2012,also no CAS received since joining of Contractual Service Since 25/10/2004,After written order through Govt.of W.B.Seniority must be treated as per Contractual Joining date,if same date of joining seniority must be maintain as per date of birth.
    So,After any order through finance department,also DIT ,TETSD,without any Govt.order my previous pending salary,releated D.A.,Increments CAS stopped ,continuous service Since2004.I already Longer time deprive financial support through the systems.
    Presently after Ropa2019 my Basic Comes as per previous Scale calculation 37300/-
    So,I therefore pray to you , try calculate my orginal pay structurebenefit .
    I already produce Honerable RespectedVerdict through High Court,also Honerable Respected VerdictACJM 2nd Court Purulia.
    So wait for your valuable reply for my suffering,deprive family financial support purpose.
    With Regards,
    Joyatpal Mukherjee
    Employee No 2006003589
    Under.TETSD,Govt.of W.B.

  3. My joining was on 11/10/2018, Im confused on how my Fixation has been done, kindly provide me the exact calculation sheet if you please

  4. My joining 2016 May that time my basic was band pay + Grade pay= 8840.
    My Grade pay 2600
    Please provide my gross for 1.1.2020

  5. Amar 1.1.16 basic with grad pay 15350
    Amar promotion hayechhe December 2019.akhan ami options December 2019karte parchhi na.
    Ki karbo?
    Ami ki December2019 karter parbo
    Grad pay 3600.

  6. Existing Basic Pay as on 01.01.16 = Rs. 11930/- (8330+3600)
    Received 4 Normal Increment only during 2016-19 (Rs. 12290, Rs. 12660, Rs. 13040, Rs. 13440)
    No Promotion or CAS received during the same period

    If option given on 01.01.16/01.07.16, New Basic as on 01.01.20 = Rs. 34500/-
    If option given on 01.01.17/01.0718/01.07.19, New Basic as on 01.01.20 = Rs. 35500/-

    Can I give option on 01.01.17 for ROPA-19

  7. I have got 20 years C AS under Nadia zilla perished but not yet received 25 years benefit so what I got this benefit 8 16 25 CAS


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