BSNL Corporate Office letter on methodology of pay fixation in IDA pay scales in respect of absorbed officials of BSNL who were promoted after 01.10.2000 and opted IDA pay scales from the date of their promotion/ retirement.
BSNL Corporate Office
PAT Section, 5th floor,
Bharat Sanchar Bhawan,
H.C. Mathur Lane, New Delhi-110001
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
Dated, the 04-10-2018
(Saurabh Tyagi)
Sr. GM (Estt)
Dear Shri
I would like to invite your kind attention• to this office letters of even number dated 12.11.2014 & 01.12.2014 seeking some information required by DOT. to examine the case regarding methodology of pay fixation in IDA pay scales in respect of absorbed officials of BSNL who were promoted after 01.10.2000 and opted IDA pay scales from the date of their promotion/retirement, Despite several reminders issued vide letters of even number dated 3.2.2015, 23.3.2015, 3.7.2015, 4.9.2015, 12.11.2015, 22.2.2016 13.4.2016, 22.6.2016, 26.7.2016, 18.9.2017 and 09.03.2018, the requisite information is yet to be received from the Circles. As a result, BSNL Corporate Office is unable to send the desired inputs to DoT.
2. In view of the above, I would like to solicit your kind intervention in this matter so that necessary information is furnished immediately in order to enable us to send the same to DoT.
Yours sinerely,
(Saurabh Tyagi)
Sr. GM (Estt)
Source :
Supposing that the pay scale of a particular cadre from NE-7 to NE-8 on 1.4.2010, how the pay of the official in NE 7 will be fixed in the upgraded scale of NE-8, since the IDA scales have no stages of pay since the upgraded have no slabs w.e.f 1.1.2007?