S. No. 20 – Carrying forward of Earned Leave by Defence Industrial Employees on transfer / appointment from non Industrial to Industrial Establishment.
Ministry of Defence (MoD) had vide OM dated 28.04.2017 sent the following comments
(i) D(Civ-II) – The proposal was examined in MoD and it was decided that the same cannot be recommended for making amendment in Rule 6 of the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 unless there is strong justification. The position was explained to AIDEF vide letter dated 08.04.2016. Recently, on 12.04.2017 MoD has sought comments from concerned Directorates/ Organisations/ Service Headquarters in this regard. The proposal has been circulated to various Divisions for consideration in MoD and then to refer to DOP&T.
(ii) DGAQA has conveyed that the comments were called for from various Associations/Unions working in field establishments of DGAQA and most of the Associations/Unions are in agreement with the stand taken by Staff Side on transfer of leave in excess of 120 days to the leave account and not encashing it when a non-industrial employee is transferred to industrial establishment.
(iii) Air HQ has conveyed that after November, 2006, as per the amended Leave Rules, industrial employees can accumulate and encash Earned Leave up to 300 days. A proposal is also under consideration with MoD to bring the industrial employees under CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972. DRDO has clarified that all the industrial and non-industrial employees of DRDO are allowed to en-cash Earned Leave up to 300 days.
JS(E) mentioned that Establishment Division is examining the matter in light of the comments received and will take a decision.
{Action: M/o Defence/Establishment Division (DoPT)}
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