Enhanced rates of CGHS Contribution and stoppage of Fixed Medical Allowance
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
18. Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg
New Delhi 110 016
Dated: 22.10.2018
The Deputy Commissioner/Director
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
All Regional office / ZIETs
Sub : Enhanced rates of CGHS Contribution and stoppage of Fixed Medical Allowance.
Madam / Sir,
Consequent upon implementation of 7th CPC, the rates of the CGHS contribution has been revised w.e.f 01.02.2017 by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, GoI, New Delhi vide OM No. S.11011/11/2016-CGHS (P)/EHS dated 13.01.2017 which has already been circulated by KVS vide letter No. 110239/51/2018/Budget/KVS (HQ) dated 06.09.2018. As per revised rates the annual contribution is as under:
S.No. | Pay levels in the Pay Matrix as per VII CPC |
Contribution (Rs. per month) |
Annual Contribution |
1. | Level : 1 to 5 | 250 | Rs 3000/‑ |
2. | Level : 6 | 450 | Rs 5,400/‑ |
3. | Level : 7 to 11 | 650 | Rs 7,800/‑ |
4. | Level : 12 & above | 1000 | Rs 12,000/- |
Therefore, retired employees have to submit his/her application for to get the new CGHS card / renewal to the respective region from where he/she was retired, along with his/her CGHS contribution as stated above. The concerned region has to add balance amount and forward the consolidated amount of Rs.15,368/- to this office. The details of the employee contribution and employer contribution should be invariably reflected separately in the forwarding letter.
2. While forwarding the application form for issue of new CGHS card / Renewal, a proper documentary proof issued by bank for stoppage of Fixed Medical allowance (FMA) is necessary to be enclosed with the application form as per direction of the CGHS Authorities, R.K.Puram, New Delhi.
3. The aforesaid application forms of retired employees may be verified from the service record available in Regional Office and be forwarded to the undersigned. In order to save time, the application forms of retired employees whose service record is available at KVS (HQ), may be forwarded to the Joint Commissioner (Fin.) to enable him to verify the details of the application form.
4. Deputy Commissioner of the region should ensure that the details filled in the application forms are true and correct as per the service records and the self attested copies of all necessary documents, i.e., address proof, PPO, LPC, old CGHS card, surrender certificate (if not availed CGHS facility, an undertaking to that effect), etc., are to be enclosed with each application form.
Thus, the application forms of retired officials who are residing in Delhi/NCR, completed in all respect, may be forwarded to KVS (HQ) as stated at s.no. 3 above.
Yours faithfully
(Dr. Shachi Kant)
Joint Commissioner (Pers.)